How to deal with water pollution?
    On the current, it is a problem of globalization that is water pollution. The world facing less and less useful source of water and many ares happening desertization and Many rivers and lakes were dried,more seriously, a large number of marine organism trends extinction and death.
    So,dealing with water pollution extremely urgent for us. From my prospective, I have three ideas as following: first and foremost, domestic sewage should be deal as reasonable as possible and as recycling as possible, such as ,after washing vegetables and fruits, the water can be used to watering flowers or washing stinkpot. Besides, it is the mainly reason that industrial pollution leads to  a large number of water pollution. Many industries send waste material and waste water into rivers, while factories sometimes release poisonous wastes into water which introduced to seriously water pollution. Thus,we should limit emission of factories, and request the manager obey the regulation about waste-water treatment. Last but not least, our government should take effect measures to protect source water pollution
of water. Such as make regulations and privacy to punish action that lead to water pollution,and praise action that protect water environment.
Protecting environment is a duty for everyone and this three tips arent the most effect method The most effect way is that everyone should develop a sense of protecting water environment in mind and do a little things what we can do that surround of us. Water is the source of life, protecting water as cherishing our life, please pay more attention on it.