stop to do sth造句
stop doing sth.:停下现在正在做的事情
Please stop talking!(请不要再说话了!)
无缘无故造句stop to do sth:停下现在做的事情去做另外一件事
Please stop to talk.(请停下你现在做的事,去讨论吧!)
1. John, stop to do your homework.约翰,停下来,先做作业吧。
2. He held that animal doesn't stop to do his own things without sake;他认为,动物没有理由,是不会无缘无故停下来想自己的事;
3. stop to do something what he wants.率性而为
4. Who stopped it(from)cuing and what did it stop to do?是谁阻止他哭叫,而他停下来后又开始了些什么呢
5. Would you please stop doing that?你能不那么做吗?
6. Stop doing that, in the name of God!看在上帝的分上,别干了!
7. I'm obliged to ask you to stop doing that.我不得不要求你停止那样做。
8. People must stop doing this.We must save the Earth.人们必须停止做这。我们必须保留地球。
9. When you sing,we stop doing all the things,being still.当你歌唱的时候,我们停下了所有要做的事情,静止了!