1.Do you like to travel (in your holidays or free time)? (Why?)意外惊喜
Without a doubt, I love travelling around from north to south. Well, I usually visit 2 to 3 nations every year during Easter and Christmas holidays, you know, like Japan, Thailand or somewhere like that. I think travelling can make you a
more open-minded person, as you see different ways of living, eating and so on. Also, it allows you to see your own culture more objectively.
2.What do you like about travelling?
Well, one thing is for sure, I love food from different countries; actually, I always look for something like a culinary tour to whet my appetite. You know, every city has
its own particular specialties and tastes; believe me, try it sometime and I’m sure that you’ll be surprised.
3.What form of transport do you prefer to use when you travel?
Well, it usually depends on how far the destination is, you know, when I need to travel over an ocean, I definitely
go by plane. It’s kind of obvious, it’s fast, convenient
and saves a lot of time for me to go sightseeing. But if I’m having a jaunt to the cities nearby, I’ll probably take a
train as I can do it on a shoestring.
4.Which country would you like to travel to in the future?
Well, I think I plan to go to England. You know, it’s always been my dream to take a look at its heritage buildings, such as fairytale castles, soaring cathedrals and so on.
It’s a great storybook for architecture and I really don’t want to miss that.
5.Do you prefer travelling alone or with friends?
Absolutely with friends, the more the merrier. I always think that it’ll be much more fun if there are people accompanying you. I suppose, on top of that, we can take care of each other when we are in places that we are unfamiliar with. So every time I make a trip, I ask my friends to join.