  In the early Ming Dynasty, China was one of the most developed countries in the world. Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government, sent Zheng He on seven voyages to the Western Ocean with large-scale fleet on diplomatic missions. Zheng He had visited more than 30 countries and territories in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Africa He presented to them valuable gifts to show China's sincere desire to develop friendly relations with them and got warm responses. Zheng He,s voyages spread Chinese civilization, strengthened China's contacts and promoted cultural and economic exchanges with other countries in the world.
  明朝前期(the early Ming Dynasty),中国是世界上最发达的国家之一。1405年到1433年间,明政府七次派郑和率领大规模船队出使西洋(the Western Ocean)。郑和拜访了东南亚(Southeast Asia)、南亚和东非等地区的30多个国家和地区。他用珍贵的礼物表达中国与他们友好交往的愿望,得到了各国的热情回应。郑和下西洋传播了中国文明,加强了明政府
  Maritime Expeditions of Zheng He
  During the Ming period, the emperors sent seven maritime expeditions probing down into the South Seas and across the Indian Ocean.
  Yongle Emperor (永乐帝) strenuously tried to extend China’s influence beyond her borders by encouraging other rulers to send ambassadors to China to present tribute.
  The Chinese armies reconquered Annam and blocked Mongol expansionism, while the
Chinese fleet sailed the China seas and the Indian Ocean, cruising as far as the east coast of Africa.
  The Chinese gained a certain influence over Turkestan.
  The maritime Asian nations sent envoys with tribute for the Chinese emperor.
  Internally, the Grand Canal was expanded to its farthest limits and proved to be a stimulus to domestic trade.
  The most extraordinary venture, however, during this stage was the dispatch Zheng He’s (郑和)seven naval expeditions, which traversed the Indian Ocean and the Southeast Asian archipelago.
  An ambitious Muslim eunuch of Hui descent, a quintessential outsider in the establishment of Confucian scholar elites, Zheng He led seven expeditions from 1405 to 1433 with six of them under the auspices of Yongle.
  He traversed perhaps as far as the Cape of Good Hope.
  The first expedition in 1405 consisted of 62 ships and 28 000 men---- then the largest naval expedition in history.
我最敬佩的人作文500字  1405年的第一支探险队由62艘船和28000人组成,这是历史上最庞大的一次海上探险。
  Zheng He’s multi-decked ships carried up to 500 troops but also cargoes of export goods, mainly silks and porcelains, and brought back foreign luxuries such as spices and tropical woods.
  The economic motive for these huge ventures may have been important , and many of the ships had large private cabins for merchants.
  But the chief aim was probably political, to enroll further states as tributaries and mark the reemergence of the Chinese Empire following nearly a century of barbarian rule.
  The political character of Zheng He’s voyages indicates the primacy of the political elites.