班级:_________    姓名:_________  分数:_________
(  ) 1. — Is Li Lei _________ friend?
— Yes, _________ is.
A. yours; you        B. my; his          C. your; he
(  )2. Tom speaks English. ____ Jane ____ English, too?
A. Do; speaks          B. Does; speak      C. Do; speak   
(  )3.  ____ often helps ____ with ____ English.
A.    She; him; his        B. His; her; hers      C. She; him; her   
(  )4. He ____ the Great Wall.
A. want to visit        B. wants to visit      C. wants visit   
(  )5. —What does your father do?
A. He is fine.  B. He is from China.      C. He is a teacher.               
(  )6. Is this a photo ____ your family?
A. in                B. with              C. of
(  )7.Help ____ to the chicken, kids.
A. you            B. yourselves              C. yourself       
(  ) 8. Id like _________ orange juice, please.
A. a            B. a glass of            C. two glass of   
(  ) 9. He is kind _________ me.
A. to            B. for                  C.from   
(  )10. — Do you like chicken?
— No, I dont like it _________.
A.little        B. very much              C. at all
(  )11. — Where does he live?
— He _________ England.
A. comes from        B. lives at          C. lives in           
(  )12. — Do you like English?
A. Yes, I do.      B. No, I dont.          C. No,I am not.
(  ) 13. — Where does your aunt work?
— She works _________.
A. in a office        B. on a school          C. on a farm       
(  ) 14. — _________ have some milk?
— Good idea.
A. Why not        B. How about          C. What about
(  ) 15. — _________ your parents like eggs?
— No, _________.
A. Are; they arent    B. Does; he doesnt        C.Do; they dont
A. 从Ⅱ栏中出Ⅰ栏各句的应答语。(5分)
Ⅰ                                Ⅱ
(  )1. Could you please tell me your name?        A. Good idea.
(  )2. What does your mother do?                B. Yes, she does.
(  )3. What about something to drink?            C. Sure. My name is Mike.
(  )4. Does she speak Chinese?                D. On a farm.
(  )5. Where does he work?                    E. She is a teacher.
B. 从方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)
A: Help yourself to some fish.
B:   6  The fish is very nice.
A: Would you like some eggs?
B:   7  May I have some chicken, please?
A:   8  What would you like to drink?
B:   9  I like orange juice very much.
A:   10 
B: No, thanks.
A. Would you like some rice?
B. What about fish?
C. A glass of orange juice, please.
D. It’s nice.
E. Thanks.
F. No, thanks.
G. Here you are.
6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9________ 10.________
Look at the photo. It’s my family. The old man and the old woman are my   1  . This is my father. He is next to(挨着) his brother, my   2 . This woman is my mother. She is my English teacher. You can   3 three children in the photo. The two girls are my . The girl in a red dress is Nancy 5 the girl in a yellow dress is Susan. Do you know who the boy is? It’s me. My grandparents live in the U. S. A. I live in Beijing my parents now. My father is . He works in Beijing Hospital. He often has milk 8 breakfast. And he likes to eat 9. My mother often has some eggs and 10 . I have a big family.
(  )1. A. uncle              B parents                    C. grandparents       
(  )2. A. aunt              B. uncle                    C. sister               
(  )3. A. see                  B. ask                        C. call               
(  )4. A. sister              B. girls                        C. sisters               
(  )5. A. and                  B. so                        C. or               
(  )6. A. and                  B. with                        C. of               
(  )7. A. a doctor          B. a driver                    C. a farmer           
(  )8. A. on              B. to                        C. for               
(  )9. A. bread              B. some breads                C. a bread       
(  )10. A. a orange          B. a glass of orange juice      C. two glass of orange juice   
Kangkang is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 14. Kangkang likes to make friends(交朋友). Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in England. The letter is in English. Sam is a student, too. He speaks English. He likes China. He wants to visit the Great Wall.
(  )1. Kangkang is a _________.
A. teacher            B. student            C. doctor
(  )2. The letter is in _________.
A. Chinese            B. Japanese            C. English
(  ) 3. Sam lives in _________.
A. China            B. the U.S.A.            C. England
(  )4. _________ wants to visit the Great Wall.
A. Sam            B. Kangkang            C. Kangkang’s brother
(  )5. Sam is Kangkang’s _________.
A. classmate        B. pen pal            C. teacher
There are (有) three people in Yang Yang’s family. They like different kinds of food. Yang Yang likes rice a lot. But she doesn’t like chicken at all. Her father is from Shanxi. He doesn’t like rice at all. He likes chicken and bread very much. Her mother is from Dalian. She doesn’t like rice or bread at all. But she likes fish and vegetables a lot. They love each other and help each other.
(    )6. There are ____ people in Yang Yang’s family.
A. one                B. two                C. three