八年级上册Unit 2
Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day
Section  A
1. have a toothache                              牙疼
2. see a dentist                                   看牙医
3. get well                                       好起来
4. have a cold    /fever/cough                          感冒/发烧/咳嗽               
5. have a headache/backache/stomachache          头疼/背痛/胃痛
6. at night/noon                                在夜里/在正午
7. lift heavy things                              提重物
8. stay in bed                                  卧床休息
9. have a rest                                  休息一下
10. have a good sleep                          睡个好觉                                         
Section B
1. feel terrible                                  感到很难受
2. have the flu                                    得流感
3. take some medicine                              吃点药
4. see a doctor                                  看医生
5. day and night                                  日日夜夜
6. feel like doing sth.                               想要做某事;
7. too much+不可数名词                          太多......
8. brush your teeth                              刷牙
9. lie down                                      躺下来 
10. boiled water                                  开水
11. work too long                               工作太久
12. eat hot food                                  吃辣的食物
Section C
1. something new                                  新鲜的事
2. fall down                                      跌倒
3. run to sb.                                      跑向某人
4. call a taxi                                      叫出租车
5. look after=take care of                          照顾
6. take sb. to...                                  将某人带到......
7. need to do sth.                                    需要做某事
8. three times a day                                一天三次
9. feel better                                      感觉好多了
10. have an accident                                发生事故
11. be careful=watch out                            当心
12. return to sp.                                    返回某地
Section D
1. not too bad                                    不是很糟糕
2. Dont worry                                    别担心
3. nothing serious                                 没什么严重的
4. be worried about                                担心......
5. follow ones advice=take ones advice                接受某人的建议
Section A
1. You dont look well.
解析:look是系动词,后面跟形容词作表语,如:看起来健康:____look healthy________
看起来很累:____look tired________
例:这些花闻起来很香:____The flowers smell nice.____________
    我感到很难受:___I feel terrible.______
2. Whats wrong with you?
解析:该句用于询问对方怎么了。同义句为:__Whats the matter/trouble with you?______
3. Im sorry to hear that.  听到这个消息,我很难过。
2)be sorry to do sth. / be sorry that +句子:“为......感到难过/抱歉”
例:对不起,我迟到了。__Im sorry to be late.___
你生病了我很难过。____Im sorry that you are ill.___
4. You should see a dentist.
例:你应该每天早起:___You should get up early every day.____
你不应该看太多电视:You shouldnt watch too much TV.
5. I have a bad cold.
解析:have a bad cold = take a bad/terrible cold  得了重感冒
类似的短语还有have a cough(咳嗽)、have a fever(发烧)、have a toothache/headache 牙疼/头疼等。在这些短语中,have意为“得(病)、患(病)”
例:I have a toothache = I have an ache in my tooth.
6. You shouldnt lift heavy things.
解析:lift 词义很多:1)v. 举起,抬起:lift the table/ lift heavy things.
2)v. 消散:The cloud will lift soon.
3)n.电梯:get out of the lift
7. You should stay in bed and have a good sleep.
解析:have a good sleep 好好睡一觉,类似短语还有:瞧一瞧(have a look)/游泳(have a swim)/休息一下(have a rest) 
Section B
1. How long have you been like this?  你像这样多久了?
解析:用于询问某人处于一种状态之下的时间长短,how long用于询问某个动作或状态所持续的时间(对时间段的提问。)
例:你在家待多久了?  How long did you stay at home?
how often 用于询问某个动作在某个时间内发生的次数,用来提问频率。
回答:once/twice a week/ month/year  three /imes a week/month/year
例:你多久去一次图书馆?仁爱版英语 How often do you go to the library?
2. Shall I take you to the hospital?
解析:1) shall 用于提出建议。寻求对方的意见。
      2)take sb. to sp.  带领某人去某地
3. Ill go home and have a rest.
解析:have a rest = take a rest 休息一下
例:下班后我们休息一会儿吧。  Lets take a rest after work.
4. How are you feeling, Nick?
解析:一般用来询问对方的身体状况,表示关心。相当于:How do you feel?
这个句子通常以实际情况来回答。如:Im feeling much better.(我感觉好多了)
                              Not bad, thanks.(还行,谢谢。)
                              I dont feel well. (我感到不舒服。)
5. I dont feel like eating.
解析:feel like doing sth.= want to do sth.= would like to do sth. 想做某事
例:我想跟你一起打网球:____I feel like playing tennis with you.________
6.You shouldnt eat too much candy.
解析:too much +不可数名词:太多......    too many +可数名词复数:太多......
      too much还可以用来修饰动词      much too+形容词/副词:很......./太......
例:He shouldnt walk ________________.
Tim has _______________books in his room.
The dress is _______________ dear.
There is _______________juice in the bottle.
Section C
1. Im going to try something new.
解析:something new 意为“新鲜的事情”,something、anything、everything、nothing、anyone、someone等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词要放其后面。
例:有趣的事____something interesting___________
没什么重要的___nothing important____________
2. Take two pills, three times a day.