Unit 4 Our World
Topic 1 What’s the strongest animal on the farm?
Section A
. Material analysis
The main teaching activities of section A are 1a, 2b and 3.
This class mainly studies the key grammar of comparative and superlative adjectives, which is the focus and difficulty of this topic. It is recommended to complete the teaching of section A in at least two classes.
Through the dialogue between Michael and Wang Wei, this class will lead to the comparison between rural and urban areas, and finally learn the key points of this class and the whole topic: the comparative level and superlative level of adjectives. The textbook designs pictures of rural and urban comparison and pictures of different animals on the far
m, which are closely related to daily life and can arouse students' Association and interest.
. Teaching aims
Knowledge aims:
  1. Be able to spell and use words correctly, such as sky, river, clear, beauty, nature, horse, sheet, etc.
2. Be able to spell new words in this lesson correctly, such as sky blue, river clear, etc.
3. Be able to correctly use comparative level and superlative level to describe objects hierarchically.
Skill aims:
1. Be able to correctly talk about a group of things with comparative and superlative levels.
2. Be able to correctly write the comparison between things with comparative level and superlative level.
Emotional aims:
Cultivate students' ability to see things correctly, and teach students that everything has two sides. They can't be proud or discouraged about learning. Everything must be viewed from the perspective of development.
. The key points and difficult points
  Key points:
1. Correctly and skillfully use the comparative level and the highest level.
2. Master the change rules of comparative level and the highest level.
3. Learn adjectives and adverbs in this lesson.
  Difficult points:
1. Correctly and skillfully use the comparative level and the highest level.
2. Master the change rules of comparative level and the highest level.
. Learning strategies
1. When learning new words, learn to remember through association and comparison, so that you can remember more firmly. Such as blue sky, clear river, etc., present these pictures in your mind.
2. Memorizing the comparative and superlative rules of adjectives and adverbs in the form of ballads can get twice the result with half the effort.
. Teaching aids
Computer multimedia projector, some cards with tables, some photos of teacher’ s traveling, cards of animals.
. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Introduction
1. Get students ready for learning.
2. Invite a student to report his/her homework to review the structure “was/were+doing”.
3. Show some photos of teacher’s traveling. At first, show some photos with beautiful nature. Ask students to discuss “What can you see in these photos except me?”
Step 2 Presentation
Finish 1a.
1. Show the table in 1b to students and play 1a.
2. Show the picture in 1a to students. Ask “Which do you like better, countryside or city?”
3. “Why?” Remind students to underline the comparative degrees in their books.
4. Show “blue-bluer, quiet-quieter, clear-clearer, fresh-fresher” on the blackboard. Let stud
ents discuss the rules.
5. Play 1a sentence by sentence.
6. Provide students with 2 minutes. Ask students to read 1a.
7. Organize students to read together.
8. Show 1c to students. Play 1a.
9. Invite students to read 1c aloud to the classmates.
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Show 2a on the screen. Play 2a and ask students to fill in the blanks.
2. Invite students to write their answers on the blackboard.
3. Write “fat-fatter, lazy-lazier” on the blackboard. Give students 2 minutes to sum the rules.
4. Invite students to teach the rules.
5. At this time, teacher can sum the rules. Remind students some key points. (Teacher can teach the rules by a chant. It is easy for teachers to find the chants of comparative and superlative degrees.)
6. Show 2b to students. Ask students to fill in the table according to the chant.
7. Check the answers and emphasize some key points.
8. Play 2a. Change the words“horse, sheep, hens, cows” into pictures.
Step 4 Practice
Finish 3.
1. Hand out the cards of animals to students. Each group should get at least three kinds of animals. (Teacher without cards of animals can use the stick figure instead.) This part aims to bring students to the real situation.