Section A
Themain activities are1a and2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。
Ⅰ.Teaching aims anddemands教学目标
1.Learn some useful words and expressions:
would,cheer,cheer…on,team,win,bit,quite a bit/a lot,join, club
2.Learn future tense with“be going to”:
(1)You know I will play in the basketball game between Class Three and our classthis Sunday.
仁爱版英语(2)Are you going to join the school skating club?
Yes,I am./No,I amnot.
3.Talk about preference:
Which sport do youprefer,skating or skiing?
4.Talk about sports and games.
Ⅱ.Teaching aids教具
Ⅲ.Five-finger TeachingPlan五指教学方案
1.T:New term begins.This is thefirst English lesson of this term.
Welcome back toschool,boys and girls.Did you enjoy yourselves?
What did you do during yourvacation?Did you do sports?I want to know if you had a happy summer holiday.
T:Which sport did youdo?S1,please.
S1:I played…in thesummer holiday.
T:Which sport do youlike best?
S1:I like…best.
T:We all know sportsare good for our health.Now let’sreview some sports we learned before.
T:What is he doing?S2,please.
S2:He is swimming.
T:Do you likeswimming?
S2:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.
T:How often do you goswimming?
S2:Twice a week./Never.…
T:Where do youusually go swimming?
S2:In the swimmingpool./In the river…
T:What are they doing?S3,please.
S3:They are skating.
T:Do you likeskating?
S3:Yes,I do./No,I don’t.
T:Which season is thebest to skate?
S3:I think it’swinter.
T:What other sportsdo you like?
S3:I like…
T:Look at thepicture.Do you know what they are doing?S4,please.
S4:They are playingbasketball.