Topic1 I’m going to play basketball.
1.see sb. do sth. 看见某⼈做(过某事或经常做某事)
see sb. doing sth. 看见某⼈正在做某事
2.cheer sb. on 使某⼈振作起来
3.prefer doingsth. 更喜欢做某事
4.quite a lot 很多,相当多
5.play for 为……效⼒
< cycling 骑⾃⾏车
< mountain climbing 去爬⼭
8.sb. spend some time/money in doing sth.
9.there is/are going to be… 将会有……
10.take part in=join in参加(活动)
join 加⼊(组织)
11.the high jump 跳⾼
12.the long jump 跳远
13.all over the world=around the world
14.make sb./sth.+v./adj.
15.a good way to do sth.⼀个做某事的好⽅式
16.keep fit/healthy 保持健康
17.arrive in+⼤地点
arrive at+⼩地点
18.play against 与……对抗
19.leave for sp. 前往某地
leave sp. 离开某地
20.It’s a pity that+从句遗憾的是……
21.be going to do sth. 打算做某事
22.the day after tomorrow 后天
23.in the future 在将来
24.table tennis 乒乓球
26.be good at doing sth.擅长做某事
27.be good for…对……有益
1.I’m going to play basketball.
2.We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.我们打算在星期天举⾏⼀场对抗三班的篮球赛。
3.--Are you going to join the school rowing team?
--Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
4.--What are you going to be when you grow up?
--I’m going to be a scientist.
5.There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.
6.I hope our team will win.
7.--Would you like to come and cheer us on?
--Sure, I’d love to.
8.--Which sport do you prefer, swimming or rowing? --I prefer rowing.
Topic2 We should learn teamwork.
1.have a soccer game 举⾏⼀场⾜球⽐赛
< of +(形容词最⾼级)+可数名词复数
3.kick sth. to sb.=kick sb. sth. 把某物踢给某⼈
4.pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth. 把某物传给某⼈
6.be/fall ill ⽣病
7.give sb. a hand=help sb.=do sb. a favor
8.do well in… 在某⽅⾯做的好
9.shout at sb. 朝某⼈⼤喊
10.do one’s best 尽某⼈最⼤的努⼒
11.be angry with sb. ⽣某⼈的⽓
12.say sorry to sb. 向某⼈道歉
13.be sorry for… 对……感到遗憾
13.be sorry for… 对……感到遗憾
14.keep doing sth.不断做某事
15.be sure to do sth. ⼀定做某事
16.give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 把某物给某⼈
17.throw sth. to sb.=throw sb. sth. 把某物扔给某⼈
18.buy sth for sb.=buy sb. sth. 给某⼈买某物
19.bring sth. to sb.=bring sb. sth. 把某物带给某⼈
20.at first 在⼀开始
21e into being形成,产⽣
22.both…and… 两者都……
仁爱版英语23.stop sb./sth.from doing sth. 阻⽌某⼈或某物做某事
24.follow the rules 遵守规则
25.It is +adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某⼈来说做某事……
26.a large number of… 许多,⼤量。谓语动词⽤复数
27.around the world 全世界
28.hundreds of… 成百上千
29.turn…into… 把……变成……
30.score points 得分
31.join sb. 加⼊某⼈
32.throw sth. around 到处乱扔某物
33.somewhere else 某个别的地⽅
1.I kick the ball to you. And you pass me the ball like this.我把球踢给你,你像这样把球传给我。
2.--Will you join us?你愿意加⼊我们吗?
--I’d be glad to.我很乐意
3.--Would you mind teaching me?你介意教我吗?
--Not at all./Of course not./Never mind.⼀点也不介意.
4.--Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这⼉抽烟吗?--You’d better not.你最好不要。
5.--Would you mind not throwing bottles around?
--Sorry, I won’t do it again.
6.--I’m sorry for what I said.我为我所说的感到抱歉
--It’s nothing.没什么。
Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.
1.the school sports meet 学校运动会
2.the boy’s 800-meter race
4.It’s one’s first time to do sth.
4.prepare for… 为……做准备
5.sports clothes/shoes 运动⾐/鞋
< to the movies去看电影
< for a picnic 去野餐
8.at the school gate 在校门⼝
9.at the theater 在剧院
10.a/the symbol of………的象征
11.stand for 代表,象征
12.at least ⾄少
13.every four years 每四年