Best Friends 最好的朋友
Best 最形容词最高级用于三者或更多之间的比较,意为〝最〞,形容词的最高级的构成可。
如:He is the strongest in our class.
Of all the stars,the sun is the nearest to us.
She is the prettiest girl in our schoo1.
They took the sick boy to the best hospital of the city.
make friends交朋友,friend通常要用复数,与某人交朋友应用make fiends with sb.如:
He made friends with my brother last year.他去年我弟弟交了朋友。
She made friends with English people to improve her English.
make enemies树敌make faces做鬼脸
make a mistake犯错误make fun of sb.取笑某人
make difference产生差异make a living谋生
2.She is as slim as I am. 她和我一样苗条
He is as old as I.他和我年龄一样大。
This book is as interesting as that one.
My family is as large 9s your family.
[注] 否定句可用as/so+形容词原级+as,意为〝不如……〞〝不及……〞。
如:He is not as/so smart as you.
I am not as/so clever as you.
错误You are so handsome as your brother.
正确You are as handsome as your brother.
正确You are not as/so handsome as your brother.
3. We have been best friends for a long time. 我们专门久以来一直是好朋友。
have been这是be动词的现在完成时,意为〝从过去到现在一直是…〞。
如:I have been a teacher for ten years.我当了十年老师。
于欢案事件We have been good friends for many years.我们已是多年的好朋友。
They have been busy for a long time.他们已忙了好长时刻。
[注] 假如主语是第三人单数应用has been来表达。如:
He has been a doctor for five years.他已当了五年的大夫。
My brother has been away from home for two months.我哥哥已两个月不在家
4. She is willing to share things with her friends. 她情愿和她的朋友分享一切。
Be willing to do意为〝情愿干…〞。其中willing是形容词,作表语,to do 作形容词宾语。
如:I am willing to work in the country. 我情愿到乡下工作。
She is willing to help others.她乐意关心他人。
Are you willing to take the child home? 你情愿送这小孩回家吗?
b.表示〝乐意做某事〞还可用be glad to,be ready to表达。
如:He is always glad to help me.他总是乐意关心我。
〝Will you clean the blackboard?〞〝Yes,I’ll be glad to.〞
[注] glad还可意为〝快乐的〞〝中意的〞。如:
Glad to see you.专门快乐见到你。
I am glad about the result.我对结果专门中意。
Be ready to do 与be willing to同义,意为〝情愿干……〞
Lei Feng was always ready to help others.
He was not ready to believe it because Aristotle said it.
We are ready to go where they need us.我们情愿去那些需要我们的地点。
He is a ready helper.他是一个乐于助人的人。
[注]be ready还可意为〝预备好了〞。如:
Are you ready to go? 你预备好动身了吗?
I am ready for the journey. 我已作好旅途预备。
ready-cooked food熟食ready-made clothes现成衣服
share with 与…分享share out 分派分配
5.She helps me with my homework and she always gives seats to people in need on the bus.
helps me with my homework= helps me 〔to〕do my homework
In need意为〝有需求的〞〝处于需求状态的〞。如:
A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交是真正朋友。
We are ready to help people in need.我们乐意关心需要关心的人们。
Doctors and nurses are in great need.急需大夫和护士。
[注]人作主语时应用be in need of sth.表示〝某人需要某物〞。如:
I am in great need of money.我急需钞票。
People there are in great need of medicine.那儿的人急需药品。
On the bus意为〝乘公交车〞=by bus,但只能作状语,不能作谓语。
Take a bus也意为〝乘公交车〞,作谓语和宾语。如:
I took a bus there.
=I went there on a/the bus/by bus.我乘汽车去那儿。
You may take a bus home.= You may go home on a bus/by bus. 你能够乘公交车回家。
He will take a bus to the cinema.= He will go to the cinema on a bus/by bus.
take a train/a plane/a ship/a boat to s place
=go to a place by train/plane/ship/boat
=go to a place on a train/on a plane/on a ship/in a boat
6.Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up.
travel around the world 意为〝周游世界〞,其中around为介词,意为〝围绕〞。当around 作介词、副词,意为〝围绕〞时可与round替换,但当around意为〝大约〞时不能与round 的替换,round可作形容词,意为〝圆的〞,around那么无此意思。如:
a round table 一张圆桌around ten o’clock 大约十点钟时
around ticket 一张往返票around five pounds大约五磅
look around/round四下环顾
travel around/round the city在都市各处游玩白灼虾
7. he has poor eyesight because of too much computer work at night.
poor eyesight 弱视反义词good eyesight
Because of属介词,后接名词、代词宾格,动词的ing形式。意为〝因为〞〝由于〞,可与because状语从句转换,because后接主语、谓语等。
He stayed at home because of his illness.
=He stayed at home because he was il1. 因为生病,他呆在家里。
Because of getting up late,he didn’t catch his train.
=Because he got up late,he didn’t catch his train.
She left school because of her poor family.