  As the saying goes: "clear and bright break snow, Grain Rain break frost." At Qingming, the climate in South China is warm and spring is strong. However, before and after the Qingming Festival, cold air still invades from time to time, and even makes the daily average temperature lower than 12 ℃ for more than three consecutive days, resulting in rotten seedlings of middle rice and dead seedlings of early rice. Therefore, rice sowing and planting should avoid warm tail and cold head. In the Northwest Plateau, livestock have weak resistance after severe winter and lack of forage. It is necessary to strictly prevent the harm of strong cooling weather after the beginning of spring to old, weak and young livestock.
  It is not only a series of interesting customs such as kicking the tomb and steaming each other during the autumn festival, but also a series of fun activities such as kicking the tomb and sweeping the tomb during the autumn festival. It is said that this is because cold food and fire are forbidden on the Qingming Festival. In order to prevent cold food and cold food from hurting people, everyone comes to
participate in some sports activities to exercise. Therefore, this festival is characterized by both the sad tears of sweeping new graves, life and death, and the laughter of outing.
  Outing. It is also called exploring spring, seeking spring and outing. Its meaning is to step on the grass, play in the countryside and watch the spring. The spring returns to the earth after the Tomb Sweeping Day in March. There is a vibrant scene everywhere in nature. It is a good time for outing. Chinese people have long maintained the habit of going on an outing during the Qingming Festival. Qingming Festival is a good time for outing, so it has become an important part of the custom of Qingming Festival. In ancient times, women could not travel casually on weekdays. Tomb sweeping during the Qingming Festival was a rare opportunity for outing. Therefore, women had more fun than men during the Qingming Festival. There is a folk saying "women's Qingming Festival and men's year".
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  Worship, some kowtow to their ancestors; Some sit around for dinner and drink; Others fly kites and even compete with each other for entertainment. Women and children also need to fold some poplar
and willow branches nearby and wear the removed steamed food offerings with willows. Others weave wickers into baskets and wear them on their heads, saying that "if you don't wear willows during the Qingming Festival, you will turn yellow dogs in the next life". This is both a tomb sweeping and an outing. You can go home after you have enjoyed it. It is said that the custom of inserting willows is also to commemorate Shennong, the agricultural ancestor of "teaching people to harvest". In some places, people insert willow branches under the eaves to predict the weather. There is an old saying that "willow is green and rainy; willow is dry and sunny". During the Huangchao uprising, it was stipulated that "the Qingming Festival lasts for a period of time, and Dai Liu is the number".
  After the failure of the uprising, the custom of wearing willows was gradually eliminated, and only inserting willows prevailed. Willows have strong vitality. As the saying goes, "if you plant flowers intentionally, you will not grow flowers. If you plant willows unintentionally, you will become a shade." The wicker will live when it is inserted into the soil. Wherever it is inserted, it will live every year and become Yin everywhere. There is another saying: the Chinese people regard Qingming, July and a half and October new moon as the three major Ghost Festivals, which are the time when all ghosts come and go to ask for help. People wear willows to prevent the invasion and persecution of ghosts. Willow has the function of dispelling evil spirits in people's mind. Under the influence of Buddhism, pe
ople believe that willows can be ghosts, and call it "ghost terror wood". Guanyin uses willow branches to help all living beings. Jia Sixie of the Northern Wei Dynasty said in Qi Min Yao Shu, "take willow branches and put them at home, and all ghosts will not enter the house." Qingming Festival is a ghost festival. When the wicker sprouts, people naturally insert and wear willows to ward off evil spirits.
  It is an ancient Chinese custom to swing during the Qingming Festival. Swing, which means moving by grasping the leather rope. Its history is very old. It was first called Qianqiu. Later, in order to avoid taboos, it was changed to swing. In ancient times, the swing was made of tree branches and colored ribbons. Later, it gradually developed into a swing with two ropes and pedals. Swing can not only improve health, but also cultivate courage, which is loved by people, especially children.
  Flying kites is also a favorite activity during the Qingming Festival. During the Qingming Festival, people put it not only during the day, but also at night. At night, a string of colorful small lanterns are hung under the kite or on the wind stable
cable, like twinkling stars, which is called "magic lamp". In the past, some people cut the strings after flying kites into the blue sky and let the breeze send them to the ends of the earth. It is said that this can eliminate diseases and disasters and bring good luck to themselves.
  It is said that after Dayu's flood control, people used the language of "Qingming" to celebrate that the flood has been eliminated and the world is peaceful. At this time, flowers bloom in spring, everything recovers, and the sky is clear and the earth is bright. It is a good time for spring outing. Outing began as early as the Tang Dynasty, and it has become a habit for generations to inherit. In addition to enjoying the natural scenery of lakes and mountains and the beautiful scenery of spring, outings also carry out various cultural and recreational activities to add interest to life.
  Tomb sweeping is popular on the Tomb Sweeping Day. In fact, tomb sweeping is the content of the cold food festival on the day before the Tomb Sweeping Day. It is said that the cold food originated from the mourning of Jie Zitui by Duke Wen of Jin. In the 20th year of Kaiyuan, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ordered the world to "go to the tomb with cold food". Because the cold food was connected with the Qingming Festival, it was gradually spread to sweep tombs during the Qingming
Festival. Tomb Sweeping became more popular during the Qingming period. In ancient times, children often had to fly kites to sweep tombs. Some kites are equipped with bamboo flute, which can make a sound when blown by the wind, just like the sound of Zheng. It is said that's how the name of kite comes from.
  The Qingming Festival was very common in the Northern Song Dynasty. The picture of the river during the Qingming Festival by Zhang Zeduan, which is handed down now, depicts the scenes of people on both sides of the Bianliang River in Tokyo (Kaifeng) during the Qingming Festival in the reign of Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty.
  Since 2008, China has recognized Qingming Festival as a legal holiday for one day. By 2009, it was changed to three days. It continues to this day.
  Qingming is going to visit the tomb to show respect and nostalgia for the deceased.
  Qingming Festival is an important folk traditional festival in China. It is one of the eight important festivals: Shangyuan, Qingming, Lixia, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan, Mid Autumn Festival, winte
r solstice and new year's Eve. It is generally on April 5 of the Gregorian calendar, but its Festival period is very long. There are two versions: before and after the 10th day and before and after the 10th day. These nearly 20 days belong to Qingming Festival.
  It is said that the origin of the Qingming Festival began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of ancient emperors and generals. Later, the people followed suit and worshipped their ancestors and swept their tombs on this day. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the cold food festival. 105 days after the winter solstice is called cold food. In the past, fire and cold food were forbidden, so it is also called "cold Festival" and "no smoking Festival". According to folklore, cold food is to commemorate that Jie Zitui was burned in Mianshan by fire in the spring and Autumn period. Duke Wen of Jin ordered to ban fire. Jie Zitui is from Shanxi, so the cold food custom was first popular in Shanxi. In the old days, cold food broke the fire. The next day, there was a ceremony of drilling wood for new fire in the palace. People also used wickers to beg each other for new fire.
  Fifteen days after the spring equinox is Qingming, which is a good day for outing. Tomb Sweeping Day is also a day for sweeping graves and offering sacrifices to ancestors. It is also known as "Ghost
Festival" and "Ghost Festival" among the people. It is collectively known as "three Ghost Festival" on July 15 and October 1. There is a ceremony for City God to go on a tour.
  Cold food and Qingming were originally two festivals, but most people in Shandong combine the two festivals into one. It is generally called Qingming Festival. In a few areas, it is called cold food festival, but the festival is on Qingming Day. From the three days before the Qingming Festival, Kenli place is called "big cold food", "two cold food" and "three cold food". The fourth day is Qingming Festival. People sweep tombs and go outing in these four days. Juancheng takes the day before the Qingming Festival as the cold food festival, also known as the "ghost gate joint".
  The Chinese nation has had the custom of going on an outing during the Qingming Festival since ancient times. In ancient times, outing was called exploring spring, searching for spring, etc., that is, spring outing, also known as "spring outing". It usually refers to walking in the suburbs in early spring. Outing, a seasonal folk activity, has a long history in China. Its source is the spring greeting custom of ancient farming sacrifice, which has a far-reaching impact on future generations. Qingming Festival has two connotations: solar terms and festivals. Qingming solar terms provide important conditions for the
formation of Qingming outing custom in terms of time and meteorological phenology. During the Qingming Festival, spring returns to the earth, and a vibrant scene appears everywhere in nature. It is a good time for outing. People took advantage of the advantages to visit tombs. Besides, a family of children and old played in the mountains and countryside.
  Chinese people have long maintained the habit of going on an outing during the Qingming Festival, and the custom of going on an outing has a long history. During the Qingming Festival, it is the season of full of spring. When all things sprout, spring outing in the wild has long become a custom. According to Jin Shu, every spring, people go to the suburbs to enjoy the scenery. The custom of outing flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties. According to the old book of Tang Dynasty, "it was lucky to have an outing in Kunming Lake at the noon of February in the second year of Dali." It can be seen that the custom of taking a youth tour has long been popular.
  Qingming Festival, also known as outing Festival, is at the turn of mid spring and late spring, that is, the 108th day after the winter solstice. It is a traditional Chinese festival and one of the most important sacrificial festivals. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. The traditional Qin
gming Festival of the Han nationality in China began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years. Under the influence of Han culture, 24 ethnic minorities in China, including Manchu, Hezhe, Zhuang, Oroqen, Dong, Tujia, Miao, Yao, Li, Shui, Jing and Qiang, also have the custom of Qingming Festival. Tomb sweeping, ancestor worship and outing are the basic themes.
  Qingming was originally just the name of a solar term, which became a festival to commemorate ancestors, which is related to the cold food festival. Duke Wen of Jin set the day after the cold food festival as Qingming Festival. In most areas of Shanxi, the cold food festival is celebrated the day before the Qingming Festival; Yushe County and other places celebrate the cold food festival two days before the Qingming Festival; Yuanqu County also pays attention to the cold food festival the day before the Qingming Festival and the small cold food the next day.
  Qingming Festival is one of the important "eight festivals of the year" in China. It is generally around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar. The festival period is very long. There are two versions: before and after the 10th, after the 8th and before and after the 10th. These are Qingming Festival in recent 20 days. Qingming Festival was originally 15 days after the spring equinox. In 1935, the government of the Republic of China clearly designated April 5 as the national holiday Qingming Festival, also known as national Tomb Sweeping Day.
  "Almanac": "on the 15th day after the spring equinox, dou Zhiding is Qingming. When everything is clean and neat, it is Qingming. When it is covered, it is Qingqi and Jingming, and everything is obvious. Therefore, it is named." As soon as the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, the temperature rises, which is a good season for spring ploughing. Therefore, it is said that "before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, plant melons and beans".
  It is said that the origin of the Qingming Festival began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of ancient emperors and generals. Later, the people followed suit and worshipped their ancestors and swept their tombs on this day. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. On May 20, 2006, the tomb sweeping day declared by the Chinese Ministry of culture was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list with the approval of the State Council.
  Today is Friday. It was originally a school day, but we came to the countryside. Oh, it turned out that today is Tomb Sweeping Day.
  Our family finished breakfast and went into the mountains in the countryside. I heard many sounds f
rom nature, including the sound of streams; The singing of birds; The whisper of the breeze among Ah, what a beautiful voice of nature!
  Finally, we came to Grandpa's grave. Everyone began to get busy. My father was cutting weeds in front of Grandpa's grave, my uncle was digging with a hoe to sweep the grave, my uncle inserted branches in front of Grandpa's grave, and hung white notes on the branches. My brother and I were burning paper money.
  I asked my mother how the tomb sweeping day came? My mother told me a story about the origin of Qingming Festival:
a long time ago, there was a man named Jie Zitui who desperate to save the king's life. But after a while, the king forgot that Jie Zitui saved his life. Reminded by other ministers, the king was very ashamed, so he sent someone to ask Jie Zitui. But Jie Zi didn't want to be an official or receive a reward, so he fled to the mountains and didn't want to see the king. But the king recalled Jie Zitui's kindness to him and didn't want to give up, so he sent thousands of troops to search for Jie Zitui. However, Jie Zitui insisted on not seeing the king. The king could not but burn the mountain forest with fire to find Jie Zitui. Jie Zitui would rather be burned alive than see the king. In order to commemorate him, the king set this day as Qingming Festival.
  After listening to this story, I understand that the original Qingming Festival is to commemorate the great achievements of our ancestors. So I knelt in front of Grandpa's grave and buttoned my head three times and prayed in my heart: Grandpa, I hope you can bless our family happiness and health!