1.选择choose, elect, select, pick.
2.方式/法way, method, means, manner, approach, mode, system, tactics
3.semester, term
4.determine, decide
5.学分;成绩credit, score, mark, grade
6.满意的content, satisfied
7.停止;放弃stop, halt, desist, cease, drop out, withdraw, retreat, quit, resign, give up, surrender, depart, abandon, desert, discard, forsake; retire, retreat, reject, recess
8.调查survey, investigate, explore, inspect, look into, probe, observe, review, study
9.改变;变化change, alter(alert), convert, modify, transform, shift, alternate, vary 10.修订/改revise, change, modify, alter, mend, rectify, correct, amend, emend校订/正11.珍爱/惜/重cherish, treasure, worship, appreciate, value 12.包括/含include, contain, compose, comprise, involve, cover, encompass 13.分发distribute, give out, pass out 14.提供provide, give, furnish, offer, supply 15.风景scene, scenery, sight, view, landscape, outlook 16.快/迅速地rapidly, quickly, fast, speedy, swiftly 17.普通的normal, ordinary, general, common, average, usual 18.合适的appropriate, proper, suitable, fit 19.限制limit, confine, restrict (to) 20.揭露,暴露expose, disclose, open, reveal, display, uncover, unmask 21.建议;劝告advise, confer, instruct, recommend, suggest, propose, counsel 22.伤害injure, harm, hurt, wound, destroy, impair, spoil 23.(在)先(前)的previous, former, preceding, prior, past, late 24.培养/育foster, raise, breed, rear, grow, bring up, cultivate, nurture, nourish 25.职业;工作vocation, occupation, profession, career ,trade, business, work, job, post, position 26.不可避免的inescapable, inevitable, unavoidable, sure, certain 27.必不可少的necessary, needed, vital, essential, indispensable, integral 28.追求/寻pursue, seek(for/after), search(for), hunt, look for, quest, explore, go after 29.鼓励/舞;刺激inspire,
encourage, motivate, stimulate, arouse, urge, spur 30.能力;才能ability, capability, capacity, aptitude, faculty, genius, gift, talent 31.特殊/别的special, particular, peculiar, specific 32.扩大extend(extent), stretch, expand, enlarge, swell, amplify, magnify, increase, widen, broaden, inflate, intensify, prolong 34.工具;仪器tool, instrument, apparatus, equipment, appliance, facility, implement 35.比赛contest, match, game, play, competition 36.影响impact, influence, affect, effect 37.环境environment, circumstance, surroundings, conditions 38.聪明的clever, smart, bright, intelligent, keen, shrewd 39.忽视/略ignore, neglect, disregard, overlook, slight 40.完成finish, complete, perform, carry out, achieve, accomplish, execute, fulfill, compliment 41.堆heap, stack, pile 42.教tutor(v.),teach, instruct, conduct, educate, coach, train 43.指导guide, advise, conduct, control, counsel, direct, govern, handle, manage, regulate, rule, steer, instruct, lead 44.管理supervise, administer, manage 45.足够的enough, adequate, sufficient, abundant, ample, plenty 46.开始commence, start, begin 47.使...碎break, smash粉碎, shatter砸/粉碎;毁灭, fragment打碎, crush压/碾碎48.惊恐;害怕(v.) fear, frighten, scare, shock, astonish, amaze, alarm, dread, horror, terror, awe 49.缩小condense, reduce, contract, compress, shrink 50.结果/
局outcome, consequence, effect, result 51.取消;除掉abolish废除, cancel取消;删除, eliminate消除;淘汰, dispose除/扔掉, erase 擦掉, exclude排斥/除, extinguish熄/扑灭,expel 驱逐;开除, remove, get rid of, dispose of 52.推/猜测assume, guess, presume, suppose, speculate(about/on) 53.抓紧/住grip, clasp, clutch, grasp, seize, grab, snatch, hold, clench, embrace, hug 54.坚持persevere, persist 55. 减少/低decline, reduce, decrease, lessen, lower, decline, diminish, cut, fall, run/cut down 56.保存;存储reserve(deserve), conserve,
preserve, store, save, maintain 57.cut切, chop劈,砍, hack乱劈/砍58./愈treat, heal, relieve, recover, cure, therapy, remedy 59.问题question, problem, matter ,issue, topic, subject 60.(预)定subscribe, book, order 61. moods心情;情绪, temper脾气;情绪, emotion情感, feeling情感;感受, passion激情, temperament性情;气质, sentiment(思想)感情, affection喜爱;爱慕之情62.部分part, portion, piece, member, division, section, segment, fragment 63.unusual不寻常的,unique唯一的,singular单独/卓越的,rare稀有罕见的64. essay文章, legend传说/奇, myth神话, story故事;短篇小说, novel长篇小说, tale民间/神话故事, fable寓言, fiction虚构/杜撰的小说, saying俗语, proverb 谚语,格言, prose散文, poem/poetry(ode颂歌, ballade叙事诗,sonnet十四行诗,verse韵文), composition(narration记叙(文),description,
exposition说明,argumentation议论), thesis 学位论文65.admission,入场费charge要价,服务费, cost成本, fare交通费, fee佣金;会费;停车费, freight运费, postage邮费/资, rent租金, tip小费, toll过桥/路费, tuition学费, expense花费,开支66.wage工资, salary薪金/水, income收入, pay薪金,付款, reward酬金,报答award奖品/金, bonus奖金,红利, allowance津贴, premium保险金, pension退休金, damages,损害赔偿金, compensation补/赔偿, penalty罚金/款, pocket money零花钱, change零钱, tip 67. insight洞察力, comprehension理解力, intuition直觉力, perception知觉, 悟性力, vision眼/视力, 洞察力68.action行动, interaction相互影响/作用, reaction反应, counteraction反作用,阻止69.obscure 朦胧/难理解的, vague含/模糊的,笼统的, dim(暗淡)不清楚的, ambiguous含糊的;模棱两可的faint不清楚的;无力/微弱的indistinct不清晰/明显的, unclear难懂的,不明的, indefinite不明确的, shadowy模糊的,有/多阴影的, fuzzy模糊的,多毛的70.diploma毕业证书, certificate证(明)书, licence/license, permit执照, 许可(证)
71.leisure空/悠闲, freedom, recreation消遣,娱乐, relaxation松弛,娱乐, spare time 余暇, ease安逸,容易entertainment乐趣,娱乐, amusement娱乐, 消遣72.version 版, edition版, draft草稿, copy副本, issue(一)期73.(v.)thrive兴旺,繁荣, prosper 繁荣,成功, flourish茂盛,
寻常的近义词繁茂, boom(商业.经济等)激增, 繁荣, bloom,开花,青春焕发, mushroom迅速增长/发展74.传单handbill, leaflet, handout, flyer 75.assure 保证,确保, ensure保证,担保, insure确保,保险, guarantee担保76. insane精神错乱的, mad疯的, crazy狂热的, out of one’s mind/head/wits精神出错的77.tax税, duty海关税, rate房地产税,市政府税fine罚金, tariff关税,税率;收费表78.thief 贼, robber强盗, burglar夜盗, pirate海盗, bandit土匪, pickpocket扒手, outlaw歹徒79.crime, arson纵火, bribe贿赂, kidnapping, forgery伪造罪, piracy盗版/印, smuggling走私, rape, burglary/rob抢劫;盗窃, theft偷窃, murder谋杀, hijack 劫机, assassination暗杀, blackmail 80.alcohol酒精, beer啤酒, spirits/liquor 烈性酒, brandy白兰地, wine葡萄酒, champagne香槟, cocktail鸡尾酒, whiskey威士忌81.interfere干涉/扰, intervene干涉,调停interrupt打扰/断, intrude侵扰, invade侵略, meddle干预;妨碍, disturb妨碍;打扰82.host大, cluster, school 鱼, herd兽(多指牛), flock兽(多指羊),鸟swarm鸟,昆虫(尤指蜂), crowd人, drove(移动的)人/ 兽pack野兽(多指狼) 83.(v.)commend推荐,congratulate, flatter奉承, praise, approve, admire, compliment 称赞,恭维, (complement补充) 84.moist微湿,(适度的)潮湿, damp(令人不快的)潮湿,沮丧的, wet湿的,水淋淋的, humid(空气)有湿气的85. walk, wander徘徊, drift漂流;盲目前进, meander曲折地流;
漫步, ramble徘徊;随笔, roam闲逛,漫游, rove流浪,漫游, amble缓步, stray迷路, stroll闲逛,溜达, hobble跛行;蹒跚, limp跛行, stagger摇晃;蹒跚, totter蹒跚;摇摆, dodder蹒跚而行, swagger昂首阔步地走,
strut神气地走, lumber笨重地移动, dash猛冲, skip蹦跳, stride大步走;跨, pace踱方步, step踏;走86.(n.) outbreak爆发, outburst突发, outcome结果, outfall排水口, outflow外流, outlaw逃犯, outlet出口/路, outline提纲;外形, outlook远景, output 产量87.评估/价(v.)assess ,estimate, evaluate, value, rate 88.处理handle, cope with, deal with(deal in经营), process, dispose of 89.tunnel, canal, channel, cable 90.投身于;参加participate, attend, involve, join(in), throw oneself into, immerse oneself in, get involved in, take part in 91.campaign, movement, combat, battle, struggle, conflict 92.border, boundary, edge, margin, frontier, peration, coaction, correlation, correspond 94.accent, tone, dialect, pronunciation 95.事件accident, event, happening, incident, occurrence 96.accommodate, hold, contain, provide 97.hardness硬度, density密度, consistency浓度, precision精确度, articulation清晰度, length, width, height, depth, breadth 98.vehicle, car, truck, jeep, bus, taxi, minibus, convertible, van, coach 99.accuse, charge, indict, scold, punish, appeal, bla
me, impeach 100.lucrative, profitable, profited, earn, payable 101.manufacture, produce, make, invent 102.vapor /gas/steam/fume, liquid/juice/liquor/fluid, nous, boring, tedious, dull 104.整个的gross, total, whole, entire 105.satellite, star, milky way, Mars, Venus 106.vibrate, quiver, fluctuate, shiver, shake, tremble www.doczj/doc/9227f67305a1b0717fd5360cba1aa81145318f08.html puter components: monitor, screen, keyboard, CPU, laser printer, scanner, mouse, modem, disk drive, CD-ROM drive, writing pad, floppy disk 108.喜爱/欢like, love, enjoy, be fond of, prefer, be keen on/about, be crazy about, be interested in, fancy(vt.) /a fancy for sth./take a fancy to sb.(sth.), be fanatic about, be fascinated by/with 109.忍受/耐endure, tolerate, bear/stand, suffer, put up with sustain 110.rude, crude,