good morning! lidies and gentlemen. i am very glad to be your local guide of this travel for hs mountain. on behalf of our travel agency ,we hope that all of you well feel as good as today’s sunshine ,and enjoy yourselves.
now we have arrived in the mount huang. firstly i had better introduce the hs to you .
hs mountain, is located in the south of an hui province, it is one part of the chinese nan ling sierra. entire mountain area is approximately 1,200 square kilometers. hs mountain was called yi mountain before tang dynasty. can you guess the meaning of yi? it means “black ”.because there are too many black rocks on the mountain.so the ancient people gave it such name. chinese emperor huangdi came here for gathering herbs and refining elixir. and he took a bath in the hot spring. thus he became a imm
ortal. tang dynasty emperor lilongji extremely believed in the legend. so he renamed the mountain hs . the meaning is that this mountain is emperor huangdi’s mountain. from then on, hs mountain this name has been used till today.
hs  mountain is certainly beautiful. it may be said that it is the wonderful mountain. having a look with our own eyes is truly a big happy event in our life. who know the four uniques of hs mountain ? let me introduce them to you.
the first is strangely-shaped pines. why are the pines strange? because hs pines grow up from hard granite instead of rich soil. after thousands of years, their root deeply strike into rock seam. they are not afraid of drought and storm.
the second is grotesque rock. there are so many grotesque rocks all over hs mountain. some of them are like man’s appearance. some are like objects’shapes. and also some are endowed with myths and history stories.in 121 famous grotesque rocks, some of the well-known are“ flying stone” “fairy playing chess” “magpie on plum” “monkey viewing sea”. they are all magical and lifelike.
the third is the seas of clouds. the qing dynasty emperor kangxi had once written a plaque for hs . there are four words“huang hai tian du”on it. every time after the rain and snow, hs will appear spectacular changeable seas of clouds. hs set off by the seas of clouds and becomes colorful,just like human fairyland. according to the position,the seas of clouds are divided into east sea,south sea,west sea ,north sea and sky sea.and on the lotus peak,tiandu peak,bright top,you can overlook the vast seas ofclouds,and enjoy “to the end of the sea,sky is the shore;up to the mountain,i am the peak”.
what’s the last one? who can guess? yeah, it’s hot spring. water from the springs is odorless. it contains minerals which are beneficial to treat many diseases .hot springs flow  from the foot of purple cloud peak.
the temperature of hot springs keeps in 42 degrees or so.
黄山导游词 now we are entering yu ping scenic spot. look, this is the tiandu peak. it is  one of the 3 main peaks of hs mountain and also the steepest. it is 1810 meters above sea
level. in ancient times it was called “quan xian suo du”, meaning“ heaven city”. this peak is steep and straight and has the magnificent momentum. can you feel it? in the hs mountain peaks, it is the most spectacular. the lotus peak, bright top and tiandu peak are known as 3 peaks of hs.
my friends, our journey will come to an end at once, i also have to say goodbye to you. we have been friends already and had a wonderful time. wish you all happiness more and more. if there is a chance, hope you come to china again. and we will welcome you forever!
hello everybody! first of all,i am on behalf of the chinese travel agency warmly welcome the arrival of everyone.pleasure to service for all of you.i am the tour guide of this travel for name is telephone number is?
?if you have any questions,you can turn to me for help,i will try my best to help you.behind me is our driver mr li.he works very hard .believe in mr li for driving us,our travel must be safe and smooth.i have to remind everybody here,in the tourist attractions you must pay attention to the personal and property safety.ok,in these days,let me and mr li be with everybody happily together.
now we have arrived in the hs mountain scenic spot southern region . firstly i had better introduce the hs mountain to you .
hs mountain, is located in the south of an hui province, it is one part of the chinese nan ling sierra. entire mountain area is approximately 1,200 square kilometers.the middle of hs mountains is the essence part .that’s where we are going to visit today.the area is approximately 154 square kilometers. it is in the territory of hs mountain city. in the south of it are she county, hui zhou area, xiu ning county and yi xian;in the north,yellow  mountainous area; these five counties, are all belong to the hs  mountain city jurisdiction.