    努力是指为达成目标或完成任务而付出的精力、时间、心血等。而在日常生活或工作中,我们也可以使用其他形容词来表达类似的含义。以下是一些 effort 的同义词:
    1. Struggle:强调经历了一些困难或挑战,但仍然坚持不懈地尝试。例如:She struggled to finish the project on time.
    2. Endeavor:强调正在努力去达成目标。例如:We must endeavor to make this project a success.
    3. Exertion:强调付出了巨大的精力、努力或疲劳。例如:The athlete's exertion was evident in his exhausted expression.
    4. Dedication:强调对目标或工作的投入和热情。例如:His dedication to his craft was evident in the quality of his work.
    5. Commitment:强调在关键时刻坚定地支持和付出。例如:Her commitment to the team was unwavering, even when they faced setbacks.
    综上所述,虽然 effort 是一个常见的词汇,但在不同的语境中,我们可以用不同的同义词来表达类似的意思,并且增加了语言的丰富性和多样性。