abbr. Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital 最高被占用分子轨道
1. 属:人属:人亚科(Hominini)现在包括一个确定的属-人属(Homo)和一个有争议的属-肯尼亚扁脸人属(Kenyanthropus). 人科另外三个未确定的属是地猿属(Ardipithecus),原初人属(Orrorin)和撒海尔人属(Sahelanthropus). 这三个属的成员,
2. homo:the highest occupied molecular orbital; 最高占据轨道
3. homo:highest occupied molecular orbital; 最高已占分子轨道
1. " Origin " is a series of pictures tracking the unfolding of human evolution from fish to amphibians to apes and finally homo erectus.
2. Unfortunately he failed or forgot to mention the kind of Homo Sapiens that populate the dense forests and expansive grasslands.
3. But it certainly would be a less hospitable place for homo sapiens, as it would be for the rest of the fauna and all of the flora.
4. Homo erectus is the first hominid to have the same body proportions as modern Homo sapiens.
5. They suggest that Flores Man doesn't belong in the genus Homo at all, even if it was a recent contemporary.
6. But what " natural selection " means when it comes to Homo sapiens is hard to define.
7. Modern feet mark just one of several dramatic shifts in early humans, specifically regarding the appearance of Homo erectus around 2 million years ago.
1. The analysis of sequence revealed that the porcine MYL4 gene was highly homologous with that of other species such as canis lupus familiaris (98.4%), Homo sapiens (95.9%), chimpanzee (95.4%) and rhesus monkey(95.4%) in amino acid.
2. Using CB-HRP antidromic tracing technique, the distributions of MNs innervating the muscles of three-Yang and three-Yin meridian of hand in spinal anterior horn were investigated and the dendritic progections between the MNs of homo-meridian were observed.
3. Sexuality - I am not talking about homo or heterosexuality
4. This is the oldest complete Homo sapiens mtDNA genome generated to date.
5. The 24, 000 year old remains of a 4 year old Homo Sapien child were recently found in a cave in Portugal.
6. Polymer light-emitting electrochemical cell is composed of a conjugated polymer/polymer electrolyte blend film sandwiched between an ITO anode and an Al cathode.
简要介绍本研究组 1997年以来在聚合物发光电化学池研究中取得的一些成果,包括发光聚合物的电化学性质及其HOMO和LUMO能级的电化学测量,LECp i n结的交流阻抗分析,双功能嵌段共聚物LEC,以及咪唑盐离子液体掺杂的室温准冷冻p i n结LEC等
7. Based onlowest-energy geometries present by us, we further investigate electronic structureof gold clusters. Odd-even oscillation effect occurs in the second difference of binding energy, Fermi energy and HOMO-LUMO gap, which are consist in resultsreported by others.
HOMO:Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
LUMO:Lower Unoccupied Molecular Orbital