通用模板: I am writing this letter to(填目的)。
1.申请类:(求职信) apply for the position of XXX.
(辞职信) inform you of my resignation from my current position.
(推荐信) recommend. XXX as a qualified candidate for (具体职位)
(询问信) inquire about XXX.
(求助信) ask for your favor regarding  XXX.
(建议信) offer some tentative/constructive suggestions regarding. XXX.
(投诉信) make a complaint about XXX.
(邀请信) formally invite you to participate in the upcoming. (某活动+时间)
(通知信) inform you of the, XXX.
(道歉信) express my apology for. XXX.(感谢信) express my gratitude for XXX.
There are a few constructive suggestions that may be beneficial to XXX.
①The first and foremost thing that i would like to emphasize is (建议一 ) .
②One more thing that is of vital importance is (建议二).
③Another thing that I would like to draw your attention to is (建议三) .
二、总述句(两大句型) :
(求职信) There are several reasons why I will make the perfect candidate for this
(推荐信) There are several reasons why he/she will make the perfect candidate for this position.
(辞职信) There are several reasons why I have to make this tough decision to quit/resign.
(提要求) My requirements for XXX are as follows.
(请求信-求助) I was wondering if you could help me in the following respects (方面)
(建议信) There are a few constructive suggestions that may be beneficial to XXX.
(投诉信) There are a few serious problems I would like to draw your attention to.
(介绍活动) There are a few things I need to draw your attention to before the event.
(介绍内容) There are a few things | would like to highlight in my presentation.
(介绍流程) For your information,the following is a brief introduction about the event.
(道歉信1) There are some remedies (补偿方案) we would like to offer you.
(道歉信2) There a few ways that I can make up for your loss/inconvenience.
(感谢信) There are a few things | am truly grateful for.
In closing, I would like to appreciate your taking the time to read this letter. And i amlooking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
Type1: [趋势+对比类]
What is ilustrated in the diagram clearly shows interesting changes with regard to(主题词)英语书信
[2]第一条曲线The number of (对象1) was rising sharply,up from_(数字1) to_ (数字2) .
[3]第二条曲线By contrast,the number of (对象2) was on
a slight increase,growing from (数字3) to(数字4) . Type2: [对比类]
[1]图表内容概述What is ilustrated in the diagram clearly shows_ (填主题词).
句型1: As can be seen from the chart/graph,50% of people  (填动词) .
句型2: Those who (填动词) account for (比例1) and (比例2) of the total,respectively (可以两个比例一起写)句型3: The percentage of those who (填动词) is 5%.句型4: There are 20% of people who (填动词).
[原因总述] : Several major driving factors that contribute to the
above-mentioned phenomenon may be summarized as follows.
①The first and foremost factor that I would like to emphasize is_ (原因
一) .
②One more factor that can not be ignored is . (原因二).
③Another factor that a majority of people always fail to pay enough attention to is (原因三)
[预测]:Taking all these factors into consideration, we may resonably predict that this
trend/phenomenon will continue in the forthcoming year.
So far as I am concerned,there are a few constructive suggestions I would like to make
Above all, what the government should do is to
Besides, we should cultivate people's awareness of