2. dateline

20 May 2003 (英式写法)
May 20, 2003, May 20th, 2003 (美式写法)


(4) 称呼(Salutation)
Dear Mr. ,(用于男士)
Dear Mrs. ,(用于已婚妇女)
Dear Ms. ,(用于女士,已婚未婚均可,尤用于对婚姻状况不确定者)
Dear Miss ,(用于未婚女士)
Dear”之后接收信人的姓氏,如“Dear Mr. Smith,”
注意:不写成:“Dear Mr. John,”
亦不写成:“Dear Mr. John Smith,”
习惯用法是:“Dear John,”或“Dear Mr. Smith,”
英语书信较正式、尊重的称呼也可采用头衔或职务,如“Dear Prof. Smith,”“Dear Dr. Smith,”等。
Dear Sirs,(当收信对方为单位/公司,而非某人时)
Dear Sir,(当收信对方为不认识的男士时)
Dear Sir/Madam,(当收信对方为性别不明的陌生人时)
称呼偶尔也用“Messrs.”,表示收信人为两位或多位男士(如 Messrs. J. Smith & R. White),    但在更常的情况下表示收信对方是以人名命名的公司。
收信人为熟友,可直称其名,如:“Dear Mary,”,“ My dear John,”……等。

(5) 信的正文(Body of Letter)

一句或第一段浪费在诸如“How do you do?”,“How are you?”等无关紧要的词句上。
信的主体部分可根据需要,分段叙述。表达应做到准确、简要、得体。准确指的是内容(包括数字、人名等细节)准确无误;简要首先应避免使用老式八股套话(诸如“I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter.”等);得体指的是表达符合英文习惯,措词与语气适合通信双方的亲疏关系。如公文信函做到语气礼貌但不谦卑,直接但不粗鲁,简洁但不唐突。

(6) 结束敬语(Complimentary Close)
Yours faithfully,(英式用法)
Faithfully yoursTruly yours,(美式用法)
(用于收信人为陌生人的正式公务信,对应于称呼用“Dear Sirs”,“Dear Sir”,“Dear Sir or Madam”,的正式信函。)
Yours sincerely,(英式用法)
Sincerely yours,(美式用法)
(用于称呼为“Dear + 姓氏”的正式或非正式书信。)
应该避免使用诸如“We remain yours faithfully”,“Respectfully yours”,等老式结束敬语。

(7) 签署(Signature)
Yours faithfully, Yours faithfully,
____________ __________________

Leslie Archer (Ms.) Wang Wei
(Sales Manager) (Managing Director)
代表某人签名应该在自己的签署下行写下所代表的人名,之前加“pp.”(即拉丁语per pro
缩略形式,表示“for and on behalf of”),如:
Yours faithfully,
Sophie Lee
pp. Bob Taylor
(The Managing Director)

(8) 附件(Enclosure)
Encl: Doctors Certificate
Encls(或Enclosures):4 Invoices



(or P.S.)(或附言)
A. 推荐信 (Letter of Recommendation)
Sample 1

P.O. Box 3567
Nanjing University
P.R. China

30 August 2003
Professor Ellis Browning
Department of English Literature
University of Cambridge

Dear Prof. Browning,

I have the pleasure of introducing to you Ms Hong Feng, the bearer of this letter, who is a former student of mine in Nanjing University.

Ms Hong was a top student in our department, where she spent four years for her first degree in Modern English Language Studies, followed by three years of graduate study in the 20th Century English Novels. She has special in demonstration of her gift and creativit
y. She has now been accepted by Cambridge where she will spend 3 years working on her doctoral degree.

Ms Hong has always been a delight to teach. In addition to her academic talent, she is pleasant, amiable and understanding. I have no doubt that you will enjoy being her teacher as well as her friend.

I should be very much obliged if you can help her settle in and also give her necessary guidance in regard to her course work.

Yours sincerely,

Fan Wen

Sample 2

Xiaxin Foreign Trade Co. Ltd.
23 Nanhua Road, Xiamen

5 May 1998

To whom it may concern,

This is to introduce Mr. Chen Taiping, the bearer of this letter, who is the Marketing Manager of our Company.

Mr. Chen Taiping has been assigned to do a marking research around the Country. We should esteem it a great favour if you would afford him the necessary information.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ling
General Manager

B. 感谢信 (Letter of Expressing Gratitude)
June 12, 2003
Dear Dr. Smith,
I would like to thank you for allowing me to observe classes as a visiting scholar from China in your nice department with so many talented and productive professors. My one year stay in your country will come to an end, and Im very happy to say that Ive enjoyed my time here. I really like your department and your faculty and staff members who are so kind, helpful, and pleasant to get acquainted with, to learn from, and to cooperate with. Your university is an ideal one to visit, to learn from and to do research in.
During my one year stay here, I have studied several courses offered by your professors from whom I have learned a lot from their excellent class instruction. I feel I should say m
uch more, but the language fails me at this point. Your department and your colleagues have given me a host of opportunities, so much pleasure, and good friends, and countless precious memories for which I am truly grateful.
Thank you a million times for the good that you and your friends have done for me. I will always remember you and your friendship. May health, happiness, and progress be yours.

Yours sincerely,
Wang Xin

C. 祝贺信 (Letter of Congratulation)
Xiamen Office

Address: Wenbin Villa, 68 Mid-Hubin Road, Xiamen
Tel: 9008000 Fax: 606494
6 December 1994

Lucas TAECO Aerospace (Xiamen) Co. Ltd.
20 Diliao Road, Gaoqi International Airport
Xiamen, 3610006

Dear Sirs,

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the new joint venture you have recently established in Xiamen.

The British Lucas Aerospace corporation is a well-known international enterprise with an excellent reputation worldwide. We believe that the establishment of the Xiamen Lucas, following Lucas-Sydney and Lucas-Singapore, will inevitably make a tremendous contribu
tion to the development of the aviation industry in Xiamen. May we have friendly cooperation in the future!

Wishing you continuous success with the joint venture!

Yours sincerely,

Lin Chun

D. 邀请信 (Letter of Invitation)
19th Oct., 1999

Dear Susan,
I hope that you and your husband havent any plan for the weekend on Oct. 28th, as we
would like you to spend it with us at our home in the countryside.
I am sure your husband can find some real fish here in the river, for its the best season for fishing. So bring your fishing clothes. And also bring your golf club, as we can also play golf here for there is a world-class golf court near.
We hope that nothing will prevent you from coming, as were looking forward to your visit. Be sure to let us know what train you are to take so that we can meet you at the station.

Cordially yours,

Kitty White

E. 申请信 (Letter of Application)
Harbin Electric Motors Factory
412 Qianjin Road
Harbin, Heilongjiang
The Peoples Republic of China
March 22, 1998
Mr. Herbert E. Beck, Jr.
General Manager
Standard Motors Corporation
4528 Southland Ave.
Chatanooga, Tennessee 47115
U. S. A.

Dear Mr. Beck,
The reputation and growth of Standard Motors Corporation ahs led me to write this letter. Im interested in a management trainee position in your corporation.
Currently, Im the assistant director of Harbin Electric Motors Factory in charge of testing and quality control. I have been granted a leave of one year to learn the advanced managerial skills and develop business contacts in the United States.
As a trainee, I do not require a salary, but would appreciate if your can provide me with a stipend enough to support myself during the year. The Chinese government will pay all my travel expenses.
In the past two years, I have read much about your corporation and its excellent management. To join you and work with you would be a great opportunity for me. Enclosed please find my resume and two letters of recommendation. If further information is needed, please let me know.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Wu Shunxiang
  1Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,1969.
  2)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.51997.
  3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.
  4)Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.
  5)Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.
  6)In reply to your letter dated 4th July,I want to say
  7)Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve.
  8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th!
  9)It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.
  10)First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me .
  11)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that
  14)I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved.
  15)I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.
  16)I am too excited and delighted at your good news.
  17)I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.
  1Awaiting your good news,
  2)Looking forward to your early reply,
  3)Hoping to hear from you soon,
  4)We await your good news.
  5)I hope to hear from you very soon.
  6)We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
  7)I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles.
  8)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
  9)Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you.
  10)The help you give me is sincerely valued.
  11)I hope everything will be well with you .
  12)Please let us know if you want more information.
  13)I hope you always enjoy yourself.
  14)I wish you very success in the coming year.
  15)Please remember me to your family.
  16)With best regards to your family.
  17)All the best.
  18)With love and good wishes.