Unit Two Looking different
Topic I He has big eyes.
面对面face to face              手牵手hand in hand
肩并肩shoulder to shoulder      背靠背back to back
嘴对嘴 mouth to mouth            心贴心heart to heart.
1)He/She has../ I/We have.
2)---Does he have a.?
--Yes, he does./ No, he,doesnt.
3)---Do you have?
---yes, I have. / No, I havent.
I have small eyes.
We have small eyes.
You have small eyes.
They have small eyes.
He has small eyes.
She has small eyes.
Michael has small eyes.
My mother has small eyes
Michael and I have small eyes.
1.---Whos your favourite film star? 谁是你最喜爱的电影明星?
---Guess. 猜一猜
2. He has short hair, a wide mouth and a big nose. 他长着一头短发,一张大嘴,一个大鼻。
1) 列举并列事物时,前面几个事物要用升调,最后一个用降调。如:
I have a map, two bags, four pens and six books.
2) hair做为头发一般来说是不可数名词,前面不能用表示数量的名词修饰,后面也不能加-s。但表示一根头发时则可数。如:
Sanmao has three hairs. 三毛有三根头发。
3) has 是实义动词,意思是:拥有它与have同义。Has 是have的第三人称单数。当主语
为第三人称单数(he,she, my mother)时,通常用has,当主语为其他的人称(I , we, they)时,用have。试比较:
We have a good friend. 我们有一位好朋友。
He has a good friend. 他有一位好朋友。
4. No, hes not very tall but very strong. He is in many Kung Fu films.他不太高,但非常强壮。他在许多功夫影片里(表演)。
3. I know. 我知道。
I dont know.我不知道。
5. Its Bruce Lee.
在英语中,如不确定对方性别时,通常用来it表示。如:有人敲门,不确定是谁时,你应问: Whos it?
6.You look cute, too. You look like a cute panda.你看起来很可爱,像只可爱的熊猫。
That box looks very small. 那盒子看起来很小。
Look like 看起来像。如:
He looks like a teacher. 他看起来像一位老师。
7.I come from England. 我来自英格兰。
Come from: 来自。与be from同义。如:
I come from Hainan.= I am from Hianan.
Amy comes from America= Amy is from America.
8. We are in the same school, but we are in different grades.我们在同一所的学校,但在不同的年级。
in the same school在同一所的学校
in different grades在不同的年级
注意: school后用的单数,grades后用的是复数。
9.We have a nice house and a happy family. 我们有一间好看的房子和一个幸福的家庭。
nice好看的, 高兴的
Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
10.---Does she have two small eyes?
---Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.
---Do you have small eyes?
--- Yes, I do./ No, I dont.
在一般现在时中,当主语为第三人称单数时, 助动词为does,当主语为其他的人称时, 助动词为do。现have/has以为例,将其肯定式,一般疑问式,否定式及其肯定回答,否定回答列表如下:
肯定式 否定式 一般疑问式 肯定回答 否定回答
I have a book.
We have a book
You have a book.
They have a book. I/We/you They dont have a book. Do you/ we/they have a book? Yes, I/you/we/they
do. No, I/you/we/they
He has.
She has.
It has. He/she/ It doesnt have a book. Does he/she/it have a book? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesnt.
1. He has two ________ (眼睛)
2. My mother has a ____________(圆的)face.
3. They look very ___________( 可爱的)
4. ---What are those in English?---They are ___________(小刀).
5. His ___________(脚) are very dirty.( 脏)
6. We Chinese have ______________(熊猫).
7. ---D_______he have a sister?
---Yes, he does.telephone是什么意思
8. Miss Smith comes f_________ _England.
9. Out flag(国旗) is r_______ and yellow。
10. His friend is ______________(十二) years old..
III. .根据句子意思,写出黑体字的反义词或对应词。
1. He has two big eyes, but his sister has two ______ eyes.
2. We are in the ___________ grade, but we are in different classes.
3. The girl has ___________ hair and the boy has short hair.
4. My mother has a small mouth but my brother has a ________ mouth.
5. Yao Ming is very _________, Tian Liang is a little short.
6. They are brother and __________.
7. He is a doctor and _________is a teacher.
IV 选择填空。
( )1. ---Whos that girl? ---_______ my sister.
A. This is B. Shes C. Its D. Thats
( )2. He is _______ many Kung Fu films.
A. to B. from C. / D. in
( )3. She is _______ English teacher.
A.an B.a C.the D. /
( )4.. ---______ he American? ---Yes.He comes from America.
A.Are B.Does C.Do D. Is
( )5 She is a girl, ________name is Mary.
A. she B. his C.her D. shes
( )6. ---Do you have a sister?---___________ .
A. Yes, you do B. Yes, I do
C. Yes, I am. D. Yes, you do.
( )7. Ellen _____ an old book and her brothers _______ many new books.
A. has, has B. have, have C have, has D. has, have
( )8 Does he have long __________?
A.mouths B. hair C. foot D. noses
I _____ an old friend. His name is Allan.
Kangkang _______ a panda. It is very cute.
You ________ a nice house. I like it every much.
Bruce Lee _______ many books.
Do they _______ fifteen apples?