The Wolf and the Crane(狼與鶴)
 One day a wolf was eating his dinner hastily and swallowed a bone. It stuck in his throat. He tried to get it out, but he could not.
 Just then a crane flew down to him. “ Dear Crane!” said the wolf to the crane. “I'm in trouble. A bone has stuck in my throat. Will you put your head into my throat and pull it out? You have a very long neck and I'm sure you can reach it. I will pay you well for it.”
“All right. I'll help you. Open your mouth as wide as you can,” said the crane, and put his head into the wolf’s mouth and pulled out the bone. “Thank you very much, my friend,” said the wolf. “Now I must be paid for the work,” said the crane.
  “Well,” said the wolf. “You put your head into my throat, but I did not bite off your head. Isn't that enough for you? Go along and don't talk about rewards.”
The man, his Son and their Donkey(一個人和他的兒子與他們的驢子)
A man and his son were driving their donkey along a country road. They saw some girls drawing water at a well.
One of the girls said, “oh, look! How silly they are! A man and a boy are walking along beside their donkey, and nobody is riding it.”
The man heard this and said to his son, “You had better ride our donkey. You are light, so you will not tire our donkey.” In a little while they met three old men. One of them said, “see here! The boy is riding a donkey and his old father is walking by his side. The young boy does of take care of his old father.”
And the man got on the donkey and his son walked along beside it. Now they were very happy. But soon afterward they met three women. Fastened it to a pole. They lifted it to their shoulders and carried it along to the town. When they came to a bridge, everyone laughed at them. And the donkey did not like the noise and began to kick. It broke the rope, fell into the water and was drowned. So the old man had to take his son and go home. The man said to his son, “He who tries to please everybody pleases nobody after all.”
亚里士多德对亚历山大的忠告Aristotle’s Advice to Alexander
We read that Alexander, the great, was the follower of Aristotle, from whose instructions he got the greatest advantage. What was the most, he asked his master what would profit himself, and at the same time be serviceable to others.

Aristotle answered, “My son, hear with attention; and if you accept my advice, you duanwenw will arrive at the greatest honors. There are seven distinct points to be remembered. First , you do not overcharge the balance. Secondly, you do not feed a fire with the sword, Thirdly, stress not the crown; nor, fourthly, eat the heart of a little bird. Fifthly, when you have taken the right road, never turn from it. Sixthly, walk not in the high road; and, seventhly, do not allow a talkative duanwenw swallow to possess your eaves.”

The king carefully considered the meaning of these puzzling directions; and observing them, experienced their utility in his following years.
couch, sofa
couch : 指供昼夜坐卧,似床一样的长沙发或睡椅。
sofa : 指有扶手和靠背,可供多人坐或一个人睡的长沙发,也泛指沙发。
couple, pair
couple : 多指在一起或彼此有关系的两个人或两个同样的事物。
pair : 含义广泛,可指人或物。用于物时,指两个互属的事物,缺此或失彼都会失去使用

courage, bravery, backbone, nerve
courage : 普通用词。指面对危险或困难时无所畏惧的精神和敢于奋斗的进取心。
bravery : 指在危险中表现出的无所畏惧精神或在逆境中仍能坚持下去的毅力。
backbone : 指性格倔强,意志坚定,有骨气,有顽强的决心去做某事。
nerve : 侧重指面临危险或在冒险的情况下具有冷静、清醒的头脑和坚定无畏的勇气。

cover, lid
cover : 泛指所有的遮盖物。包括盖子或书籍、杂志的封面等。
lid : 通常指可以揭开的如箱盖、坛盖、壶盖等盖子。
put down记下;放下;镇压;平定
take down记下;拆卸;取下;拿下
go down下降;下沉;下去;被载入
down on突然意识到
go down下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受
down with打倒;把拿下
ups and down n.沉浮;盛衰;高低
down through在整个的时间里
right down[口语] ◎非常,无限 ◎十足的,地地道道的 明明白白地;无隐瞒地 
down to the ground彻底地,完全;在一切方面
down and out贫困潦倒的;被击倒不能再战的
down below adv.在底下
go down with something(),(),() 
go down with被接受;染上疾病
down against(股票市场上) 相比下跌 
get down on something[澳大利亚、新西兰英语](尤指在不需要的时候或抢在别人前面)获得某物 
down to the wire等到最后一刻才开始做事,最后关头
have someone down把某人请来作客(从城市到农村,从河流上游到下游,从北到南等用 down,反之 up) 
do down欺骗;胜过;说坏话