1. Loud noises can be annoying.
A) hateful        B) painful        C) horrifying    D) irritating答案及解析
1D annoyingirritating意思相近,有“使烦恼的”‘使人不愉快的”等意思。hateful有“可恨的”“心怀的”等意思。He is hateful to me.得他可恨。Don't be so hateful.别这么怨天尤人。painful:痛苦的。I don't like his painful look.我不喜他那副痛苦的表情。
horrifying是“恐怖的”“使震的”意思。These were horrifying experiences.经历不堪回首。
2. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled and modified.
A) sufficiently    B) noticeably      C) intentionally  D) absolutely
2C deliberatelyintentionally意思相同:故意,蓄意地。sufficient:足的,充分的。This issufficient for my needs.我用了。noticeable:明的,易的。There is no noticeabledifference.二者之间没著差absolutely绝对地。He's absolutely correct.绝对正确。
3. The Constitution's vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.
A) imprecise      B) concise        C) unpolished    D) elementary
3A vague:模糊的,含糊的。imprecise:不确切的,不明确的。conclse明扼要的。Herletter was concise,omitting everything not pertinent to the job for which she was applying.的信很明,省去了所有跟申不相西。unpolished:未的。She is readingan unpolished poem.一首未经润elementary:基本的,初的。How can youexpect to succeed without even the most elementary knowledge of the field7连该领域中的基本知有,你还能成功?
4.  The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that moming.
A) top of the mountain                      B) bottom of the mountain
C) starting point                        D) site
4A险队在那天上午10: 30了山summit指“山”,top of the mountain意思相近。选项B意思之相反。选项C指的是“起点”。D指的是“地点”。
5. The latest census is encouraging.
A) count        B) statement      C) agreement    D) estimate
5.A  census指的是an official count of the people who live in a country,including informationabout their agesjobsetc.,即人口普count意思最接近。B的意思是“述”“告”“明”;C的意思是“同意”;D的意思是“估”。个词词义与census相去甚
6.  Academic records from other institutions often become part of a university's official file and can neither be returned to a student nor duplicated.        .
A) borrowed      B) purchased      C) copied      D) rewntten
6C duplicatecopy意思近似,表示制”。borrow:借。purchaserewrite:改
7. While serving in the Senate in the early 1970's,Barbara Jordan supported legislation to ban discrimination and to deal with environmental problems.
A) list          B) forbid        C) handle      D) investigate
7B  banforbid意思相近,表示“禁止”。list:列出。list a few reasons:理由。
handle待,付。The speaker handled his subject concisely.演作了
8.  Gambling is lawful in Nevada.
A) legal          B) irresistible      C) enjoyable    D)profitable
8Alawful:合法的。legal:合法的。What I did was perfectly legal.我所做的完全合法。
irresistible:不可抵的。The music is irresistible.听了。enj oyable:有趣的。
Was it an enjoyable movie?影有意思profitable:有益的;有利可的。We had aprofitable talk.谈话是有益的。
9. They always mock me because I am ugly.
A) smile at        B) look down on    C) belittle        D) laugh at
9Dmock:取笑,嘲笑。laugh at:取笑,嘲笑。It is unkind to laugh at a person who is introuble.嘲笑有困的人是不好的。smile at:笑(某人或某事)。What are you smiling at?在笑什look down on:看不起。Small boys usually look down on little girls and refuse toplay with them.小男孩常常看不起小女孩,因此不愿意跟她们玩。belittle低;低估。
Don't belittle what he has achieved.不要低他所取得的成
10. These are our motives for doing it.
A) reasons      B) arguments    C) targets      D)stimuli
10.A motive:机。reason:理由。There is no reason to doubt his word.有理由不相信他的argumenttelephone是什么意思据。There are many arguments against smoking.据可以明吸烟是有害的。target:The target of the new plan is primary education for all children.
计划要取得的目是使所有的孩子都得到初等育。stimulus:刺激。stimuli是其复数形式。Reduced tariffs are a stimulus to foreign trade.降低关税可以促
11. It was a question of making sure that certain needs were addressed,notably in the pensions
A) noticeably    B) remarkably    C) particularly  D)significantly
11.C notably:得注意地;特particularly:尤其,特I often do absent-minded thingsparticularly when I'm worried.我常干些心不在焉的事,特我焦候。
noticeably而易地。Standards of living are deteriorating rather noticeably.生活水平正在明下降。remarkably著地。Working conditions have been remarkably improved.工作件得到了著改善。significantly著地,在相大的程度上。Sales levels aresignificantly lower than last year.比去年大幅下降了。
12. His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.
A) forgotten        B) failed            C) deleted        D)left out
12.B omit:疏忽,漏。fail:有能He failed to.understand the real significance ofit.他有理解正意forget:忘I forgot to wind my watch last night.我忘了手表上发条delete:消去;除。The patient's high fever deleted most of hismemones.病人的高使他的记忆差不多失殆leave out:漏;省略。She left out animportant detail in her account.述中漏掉了一重要的细节
I3. Many of their ideas are being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.
A) acceptable    B) conservative    C) western    D)conventional
13.D  orthodox:正的;传统的:conventional:的;传统的。People still wear conventionalclothes here.这儿的人仍穿传统的衣服。acceptable:可接受的。Some of the
suggestions areacceptable.有些建是可以接受的。conservative:保守的。、Great Britain has threeparties - the Conservativethe Liberal and the Labor Party.有三——保守党、自由党和工党。western:西方的。I don't like Western food.我不喜西餐。
14.  Charges for local telephone calls are outrageous.
A) unheard of    B) unacceptable    C) unbelievable  D)ridiculous
14.B  outrageous:凶暴的;令人不能容忍的。unacceptable:不可接受的。Mary left herhusband because of his unacceptable behavior.丈夫的行不可接受,玛丽了他。
unheard of:有听说过的。You can't do that - it's unheard of.不可干此事,未听有人干unbelievable以置信的。His guitar solos are just unbelievable.他的吉他奏曲在太棒了。ridiculous:可笑的。That hat makes you look ridiculous.戴上那帽子,看上去很滑稽。
15. Guests were scared when the bomb exploded.
A) frightened    B) killed        C) endangered  D)rescued 15A  scared:受到惊吓的,恐的。frightened:害怕的,受的。killed:被死。All her fivesons were killed in the eart
hquake.5个儿子都在地震中身亡。endanger:使遭到危,使亡。You will endanger your health if you work so hard.力的话会损害自己健康的。rescued:被救的。She was rescued nine days after the plane crash.机失事9天后被人救。词汇学习8: