Vicki: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Vicki.
  Chen Li: 我是陈藜,在纯正节⽬⾥我们将世界出现的新,新词组及新⽤语。那么 Vicki, 今天我们要的是什么呢?
  Vicki: Today’s new expression is ’face to face’.
  Chen Li: Face to face? 是什么意思?可以解释⼀下吗?
  Vicki: Well, face to face is an expression that means in person, close to, and looking at the other person.
  Chen Li: 看来 face to face 就是亲⾃, 和他⼈进⾏⾯对⾯的谈话。
  Vicki: Yes. You use it when you actually meet the person.
  Chen Li: 我明⽩了,可以举个例⼦吗?
  Vicki: Ok – you could say, "I prefer speaking face to face. I don’t really like talking on the telephone."
  Chen Li: 显然通过电话是不可能做到⾯对⾯交谈的。
  Vicki: No. Telephone and e-mail are not face to face. Face to face means meeting in person.
  A: How’s your new job going?
  B: I hate it! I never speak to anyone face to face anymore. It’s so depressing.
  C: Have you heard? Anna’s got a new boyfriend.
  D: Yes, they met on the internet. They only met face to face last week for the first time.
  Vicki: Do you prefer to talk face to face?
  Chen Li: 当然啦。
  Vicki: Me too. It is much nicer to see someone face to face than have a conversation by telephone.
  Chen Li: 说的没错。Face to face 更强调私⼈化。
  Vicki: I agree. But sometimes it is impossible.
  Chen Li: 你说的是什么意思?
  Vicki: Well, if your friends live far away, you need to use the telephone or e-mail. You can’t speak face to face.
  Chen Li: 那的确是很可惜的。
  Vicki: Yes, but it is better than nothing.
  Chen Li: 好了,节⽬也快接近尾声了,我们来复习⼀下吧。
  Vicki: Face to face.
  Chen Li: 意思就是亲⾝⾯对⾯的和他⼈交谈。
  Vicki: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.
  Chen Li: 再见。