1. I telephoned my parents to let them know I arrived safely. (我给父母打电话告诉他们我安全到达了。)
2. She telephoned her friend to invite him to the party. (她给朋友打电话邀请他参加派对。)
3. He telephoned the hotel to make a reservation. (他给酒店打电话预订房间。)
4. They telephoned the police to report the burglary. (他们给警察打电话报告入室盗窃事件。)
5. We telephoned the customer service hotline to inquire about the product warranty. (我们给客服热线打电话询问产品保修事宜。)
6. She telephoned her boss to ask for a day off. (她给老板打电话请一天假。)
7. He telephoned his girlfriend to apologize for forgetting their anniversary. (他给女友打电话道歉,因为他忘记了两人的纪念日。)
8. The doctor telephoned the patient with the test results. (医生给病人打电话告知检查结果。)
telephone是什么意思9. The teacher telephoned the student's parents to discuss his behavior in class. (老师给学生的父母打电话讨论他在课堂上的行为。)
10. She telephoned the travel agency to book a vacation package. (她给旅行社打电话预订度假套餐。)