⼀、打电话(Making phone calls)
Would/could/can you ?请你...打电话好吧?
句中ring up意思是“给某⼈打电话”,除了⽤ring up外,还可⽤call, call up, telephone 等,意思相同 ?⽤得最普通:could/?⽤在正式场合,⽐较礼貌。
The line is busy , I can‘t get through.电话占线,我打不通。
/ I’ll try again later.我过⼀会⼉再打.
其中line指电话线路,get through 指接通电话。
Hello,(name or telephone number)你好,(并通报本⼈的姓名或单位名称或电话号码)Hello,speaking?你是...吗?/ Who is that speaking/calling?你是谁?/ Who is speaking/calling, please?你是谁?
应答时常说:Yes,(this is)...speaking. 是的,我是..../ Yes, it‘s...here. 我是....
Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment, please. 请等⼀等 / I‘is not in./at home now.对不起,...
现在不在 / Can I take a message?我能给你捎⼝信好吗?/ Does he have your telephone number?他有你的电话号码吗?/ I’ll ask him to call you back. 我叫他给你回电话
⼆、劝告和建议(Advice and suggestion)
1、You‘d better (not) 你最好(不)⼲..../ You should do sth. 你应该⼲..../ You need(to)do sth. 你需要⼲....
2、Why don‘t you do sth?为什么不..../ Why not do sth?为什么不....这是以反问的⽅式提出劝告或建议,含有建议对⽅去⼲某事的意思,⽽不是询问对⽅为何不去⼲某事的原因.
3、What/How about +名词或动名词...?这种句型表达随便的建议,有征求对⽅意见的意思,多数情况下是建议和对⽅⼀起做某事。
4、“?”这种句型⽤于建议对⽅与⾃⼰⼀起做什么,是⼀种普通的表⽰建议的⽅法。它和“Let‘s..., shall we?”句型可以互换,在回答时,如果赞成这个建议,常⽤“Yes, let's…”或“OK, let’s…”
这是最普通的表达建议的⽅法,建议对⽅和⾃⼰⼀起做什么.let's后接动词原形.若句尾加上“shall we?”, “OK?”等⽤于征求对⽅法的词语,从⽽使语⽓委婉得多。
Great太好了,That‘s a good idea.真是个好主意。对对⽅的建议表⽰不同意,或根本不能满⾜对⽅的要求⽽表⽰歉意时的常⽤答语为:I’m 我担⼼....,我恐怕.....I‘m afraid not. 恐拍不⾏。
7、⽤should,ought to等情态动词来表⽰“劝告”
三、表⽰问候(Expressing greetings)
Hello.你好!Hi嗨!Good morning(afternoon, evening)早上(下午、晚上)好
2.您好!初次见⾯打招呼的⽤语How do you do?/ Glad to meet you.
答语也是“How do you do?/ Glad to meet you.”
3.对有⼀段时候没有见⾯的熟⼈可选⽤这些句型:How are you?/ How have you been?你(您)好吗?
答语往往是:“Fine, thank you. And you?”
4.向认识但不常见⾯的⼈打招呼,可选⽤这些表达法. How‘s everything with you?/ How is everything going?/ How are you getting on?/ What’s no/ up?近来怎么样?
答语可⽤:“Pretty well“/ ” Very well“ ”Everything is OK(⼀切顺利)“Not too bad“还好”
5.对于不认识想要叫他(她)停下来时,可选⽤这些说法:Hey, sir(madam)喂,先⽣(⼩)/ Just a moment,
sir(madam)等⼀下,先⽣(⼩)注意:此时不能说:“Hey! You!”
1.Please give one‘s(one’s 代表不同⼈称的物主代词(如:my, 等) regards/best wishes/ / Please remember me to sb.请向某⼈问好/请向某⼈致意。
2.“Say hi/(from me)”意为“向...致意/问候”.这相当于Please give my best regards/(请代我向...问好)的意思。
对于上述问候,其答语为:Of course/Sure , I will等。
四、感谢与应答(Thanks and responses)
Thank you/ Thanks谢谢!/ Thank you very much⾮常感谢!/ Thank you so much/ Thanks a lot多谢 / Thank you very much indeed 应该好好感谢你 / Thanks a million万分感谢!/ I don‘t know how to thank you真不知该怎样感谢你I’m really grateful to you.⾮常感谢你!That‘s most kind of you你⼼眼⼉真好/ You’re kind! 你真好。
Thank you just the same.同样感谢你的好意 / Thank you all the same.同样得感谢你 / It‘s very considerate of you.你考虑得真周到!/ It’s most thoughtful of you.你想得真周到!
You‘re welcome不客⽓ / Not at all 没事⼉ / Don’t mention it 不⽤谢 / It‘s my pleasure 我很乐意. / No trouble at all ⼀点也不⿇烦 / It was the least I could do 这是我应该做的/ I’m glad I could do it.我很⾼兴能这么做 / That‘s all right.没关系,不⽤谢 / I’m delighted to have been able to do that for you 能为你效劳我很⾼兴 / It‘s really nothing at all 算不了什么,不⽤谢
I‘ll introduce you.我来给你介绍......../ I want 我想介绍.... / May I introduce ?我把你介绍给...好吗?/ I’d like you 我想让你见见.... / It‘s with great pleasure that you.很荣幸让我介绍.......给你./ Let me introduce 让我把你介绍给....... / By the way, do ?顺便问⼀问,你认识.......吗?
How do you do?你好!/ I‘m pleased to know you.很⾼兴认识你./ Very glad to meet you.很⾼兴认识你./ Nice to meet you.很⾼兴认识你. / It’s a pleasure to meet you.认识你很⾼兴。
六、祝愿、祝贺及应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses)
I have passed the examination!我已经通过考试了.
Congratulations(to you)祝贺你!
Good luck with your trip!祝您们旅途平安!Have a good trip/journey.=I wish you a good trip/journey.祝你旅途愉快,祝你⼀路顺风。/ Good trip to you./Nice journey to you.祝你旅途愉快 / Have a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.=I wish you a nice/pleasant/wonderful time.祝你过得愉快,祝你玩得痛快。
3、当某⼈⽣⽇时 A: Happy birthday to you;⽣⽇快乐!B: Thank you!谢谢!
A:I will take the exams tomorrow.我明天将参加考试.B:Good luck (to you)!(I wish you success!)祝您顺利!(祝您成功!)
注:上述⼏点中祝愿(贺)的回答可⽤. Thanks./thank you/thanks a lot.或It‘s kind of you to say so.谢谢. /多谢. /谢谢您./谢谢你这么说。
A:Happy New Year(to you)!新年快乐!
B:Thanks. The same to you!(Happy New Year to you, too!)谢谢!您也⼀样!(也祝您新年快乐!)
七、请求允许和应答(Asking for permission and responses)
1、Can I/Could I/?我可不可以...?
对于所提出的请求表⽰允许或同意时,可说:Yes./Sure./Certainly.当然可以.Of course, you may.当然可以.Yes, do please.请吧。Go ahead, please.请吧。That‘s Ok. /all right. 好的。
对于所提出的请求表⽰不允许或不同意时,可说:No, pleased don‘t.请不要./I’m sorry you can‘t.对不起,你不可以/...I’m sorry, 对不起,但是.... /You‘d 你最好别....
2、Do you mind if ?
吗?”或“我⼲某事,”好吗?注意:当我们⽤“Do you ”时,if从句中的谓语动词⼀般⽤现在时;当我们⽤“Would you ”时,if从句中的谓语动词⼀般⽤过去时,这时语⽓更加婉转.应答时,如果表⽰“允许/不介意”,常说:No,I don‘t mind. 我不介意/我允许。Certainly not / Of course not. 当然不介意.No, go ahead. 不介意,你⼲吧.Not at all. ⼀点也不介意。如果表⽰“不允许/介意”时,常说:I’m sorry you can‘t...很抱歉,你不能....I’恐怕....I‘m afraid it’s not allowed. 恐怕这是不允许的.
3、I wonder if I ?我想知道我能否...?
这也是⽤来表⽰“请求许可”的交际⽤语.句中的wonder作“想知道”解,后⾯常跟if从句.整个句⼦的意思是“我想知道我是否可以......?”⽤以委婉地提出请求。应答时,如果允许,常说:Sure, go ahead./Yes, please do.可以,请吧. Yes/Of course/Certainly. 当然可以,如果不允许,可以说:I‘m sorry, 对不起,...I’m afraid not. 恐怕不⾏.No, please don‘t.请不要.......You’d 你最好别.....
1、⽤may(can, could),来表达
表⽰同意请求的应答:yes, you may(can)是的/certainly(=of course/Sure.)当然可以/Yes, do please,好的,请吧。
表⽰不同意请求的应答:No, you mustn‘t,不可以/No, you can’t,不能.No, you‘d better not你最好不这样/Please don’t 请不要这样/Sorry, I‘m afraid not,对不起,恐怕不能。
表⽰同意的请求应答:Yes, I‘d like to.好的,我愿意./All right(=OK)好的/(That’s a)Good idea 好主意./Yes, Let‘s.好的,让我们⾛吧.
表⽰不同意请求的应答:Please don‘t.请不要这样./I don’t think so.我认为不要这样./I‘m afraid not,恐怕不能
3、⽤Would, Will, Would(Will)?/Would ?来表达
表⽰同意请求的应答:Yes, I‘d like to.(=Yes, I’d love to.=Yes, I‘ll be glad to.=Yes, I should I like to)是的,我愿意./With pleasure.⼗分愿意.
意./With pleasure.⼗分愿意.
表⽰不同意请求的应答:I‘d like (love)to, but I’m busy,我很想,但我很忙./I‘m sorry, but I’m busy.对不起,我很忙./I‘m afraid not恐怕不能./I’d really like to, but I have no time.我的确很愿意,可我没时间.
4、⽤please 来表达.
表⽰同意请求的应答:OK,(=All right.)好的./of course.(=Sure.=Certainly.)当然可以./With pleasure.⼗分愿意。
表⽰不同意请求的应答:I‘m sorry, but I’m busy,对不起,我很忙,/I‘m afraid not 恐怕不⾏。
九、道歉和应答(Apologize and responses)
Excuse 请原谅我....../ Pardon 请原谅我......./ I‘m really / 我真为.......感到抱歉.I’m awfully sorry. I don‘t 我⾮常抱歉,我⽆意....../ I’m so sorry. It‘s all my fault. 我⼗分抱歉,都是我的过错./ I’m terribly 我对......⾮常抱歉./ It was wrong of me 做......是我的过错./ I really feel 我真对........感到难过 ./ I 我后悔......./ I do 我对.......表⽰道歉. / I hope you‘ll pardon 希望你能原谅我....... / I must make an 我必须对.....表⽰道歉 ./ Please forgive 请原谅我.......
It really isn‘t worth mentioning.实在不值得⼀提.Don’t say more about it.不要再提它了.Never mind, it doesn‘t really matter.没关系,真的不要紧.Please don’t worry about it.请别为这事担⼼.It‘s nothing seri
ous.没有什么关系.Please think nothing of it.请别想它了.Well,it’s one of those things.哦,这是常有的事.That‘s all right.没关系.Please don’t blame yourself.请别责备⾃⼰.Forget thinking of it.别再想它了
⼗、邀请与应答(Invitation and responses)
Will / would / can / could you ?是被邀请⼈接受的可能性较⼤.表⽰“请您来...好吗?”。例如:
Will you come to take part in my party?你来参加我的聚会好吗?
Would you like +名词(代词) / 不定式 / sb.+不定式?
Would you like to go there with him?你愿意与他⼀道去那⼉吗?
B:Yes, I‘d like(love) to好的,我愿意.(类似肯定表达法:Yes, I’d be happy to.好的,我很乐意.Yes,
it‘s very kind / nice of you to invite me. 好的,谢谢您邀请我。
Yes,it’s very kind of you. 真是太好了,谢谢。
I like sb. to do sth./ I‘d like you to 这是向某⼈发出邀请的常见句式。表⽰“希望(想叫)某⼈做某事”,常与would连⽤,是⼀种客⽓的邀请。例如:
A :I‘d like to invite you to see a film with me.我想请你和我⼀起去看电影.