兔年顶呱呱主要人物:E: Elsa  A: Anna  H白兰花花语>梳妆台对着床好吗: Prince Hans 
          K: Kristoff    M: Minister
旁白:There are two beautiful princesses Elsa and Anna in the picturesque Arendelle. Elsa was born with the ability to create snow and ice. With Elsa's age growing, her magical ability becomes stronger and stronger. what's worse, she even hurt her little sister Anna. To conceal her magic, the king ask all his servants to close all the gates and stop Elsa meeting anyone, including Anna.
场景一:Anna想去Elsa来和自己玩,在的房间敲门询问,可是  不出来。(Anna.边敲门边问)
AElsaElsa? Do you wanna build a snowman? (你想堆雪人吗?)
Come on, let's go and play (我都没再见到你,)
Come out the door (出来吧。)
It's like you've gone away (你就像不曾存在。)
We used to be best buddies And now we're not.
I wish you would tell me why ?(我期盼你能告诉我这是为何?)
Do you wanna build a snowman? (你想堆雪人吗?)
It doesn't have to be a snowman. (也不一定要堆雪人!)
EGo away, Anna. (安娜,走开吧!)
AOkay, bye.(好吧...~
(以上这段是唱出来的,音乐曲目《"Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"》)
旁白:Three years later, and finally reached the age of Elsa crowned. On the coronation day, gates finally open, and the nobility come to congratulate.
M(迎接宾客):Welcome to Arendelle! 欢迎来到阿伦黛尔
                Watch your step, please. 当心您的脚步。)
The gates will be opening soon.大门随时会开启。)
开场白台词Child:Why do I have to wear this? 为什么我要穿成这样?
Mom:Because the queen has come of age. 因为女王已经成年了!
It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!
Child:That's not my fault.这跟我又没关系!
(以上插入背景音乐《For the First Time in Forever》,以下是唱词。)
The window is open!窗户打开了!
I didn't know they did that anymore。我都从不记得它们打开过。
So's that door! 门也开了!
Who knew we owned 8,000 salad plates? 谁知道我们有8000个拉盘?
For years I've roamed these empty halls这些年来,我在这些空空的大厅里徘徊
Why have a ballroom with no balls?拥有舞厅却从不举行舞会?
Finally They're opening up the gates!终于,他们开门了!
There'll be actual, real, live people这里会有活生生的人,
It'll be totally strange完全陌生的人。
But wow! Am I so ready for this change!我不确定是否准备好面对这变化!
'Cause for the first time in forever这是有生以来的第一次。
There'll be music. There'll be light这里会有舞乐,这里会有灯光,
For the first time In forever这是有生以来的第一次。
I'll be dancing through the night我要整晚跳舞。
Pope :(小声的提醒)Your Majesty, the gloves. 陛下,您的手套。                         
Pope :(说完赞颂词,宣布)Queen Elsa of Arendelle.Elsa!陛下,阿伦黛尔女王!
All people:Queen Elsa of Arendelle! 阿伦黛尔Elsa女王!
    Queen Elsa of Arendelle阿伦黛尔Elsa女王!
旁白:Princess Anna and Prince  Hans fall in love with each other at first sight at the ball. They excitedly make their way through the crowd to ask for blessing from the queen Elsa.  安娜和汉斯王子在舞会上一见钟情安娜和汉斯穿过人去女王,请求祝福.
AComing through. Oh.  啊!借过,不好意思。
HOh!Pardon. Sorry. 我想过去..
AThank you. Oh! There she is. ElsaI mean, Queen. Me again. Um...
  谢谢,啊!她在那里!Elsa!我是说...陛下... Elsa!
AMay I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. Your Majesty.
  女王陛下,请允许我向您引荐... 来自南方岛的 Hans王子。
  We Uh, Of our marriage.
  我们希望…您能祝福... 我们的婚姻!
EMarriage? 婚姻...
cisco思科AYes! 对!
EI'm sorry, I'm confused. 抱歉!我有点没明白
AWell, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves.
EWait, slow down.May I talk to you, please? Alone.   
ANo. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us...不管你要说什么..
EFine. You can't marry a man you just met.那好,你不能嫁给一个刚认识的人。
AYou can if it's true love.当然可以,这是真爱。
EAnna, what do you know about true love?Anna,你懂什么叫做真爱吗?
AMore than you. All you know is how to shut people out.
E:(听到这里,艾沙有点生气)You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.
    Now, excuse me. 你向我请求祝福,而我的回答是不行。现在,恕我失陪。
HYour Majesty, if I may 陛下,如果我能打消您的...
ENo, you may not. And I think you should go. The party is over. Close the gates.
M: Yes, Your Majesty. 是,陛下。 -
A:What? Elsa, no, no! Wait.  什么?艾沙,不,不,等等!