enjoy yourreading
others numbers
@teotd at theend of the day 最后
121 one-to-one一对一
10x thanks谢谢
10q thank you谢谢你
1ce once 从前
1dr i wonder我想
1nam one in a million100个里头的一个
2 meaning ‘to’in sms 英文的“to”
2ez too easy太简单了
2moro tomorrow 明天
2nite tonight 今晚
short for ‘for’ in sms英文的“for”
411 information信息天山飞雪
4col for crying outloud 搞什么名堂;哎呀
4eae forever andever 永永远远
4ever forever 永远
4q f***k you脏话,飘过,只供旁观……
^5 high-five击掌
6y sexy性感
7k sick生病
a3 anytime, anywhere,anyplace 哪里都成
aap always apleasure 很高兴
aar at any rate任何价格
ab/abt about关于
abt2 meaning ‘aboutto’ 将……
acc anyone can come谁都能来
ack acknowledgement感谢
adbb all done,bye-bye 完了,再见晶莹透剔
add/adr address地址
admin administrator 管理员
advd advertised被广告的
aeap as early aspossible 越早越好收发文
afaic as far as iconcerned 我觉得……
afaik as far as iknow 我只知道……
afaiui as far as iunderstand it 我明白……
afap as far aspossible 越远越好
ah at home在家forever是什么意思
aisb as it shouldbe 它应该专业……
aisb as i saidbefore 像我之前说的
aisi as i see it我看……
aka also knownas 还叫……
alol actually laughing outloud 正在大声笑
amap as much aspossible 越多越好
ambw all my bestwishes 最好的祝愿
aml all my love我所有的爱
amof as a matter offact 事实是……
app application 应用程序
aqap as quick aspossible 越快越好
atb all thebest 最好的
atm at themoment 现在
ateotd at the end of theday 最后
asap as soonas possible 越快越好
aweso awesome真棒
aydy are you doneyet? 你完事了没?
ayec at your earliestconvenience 你最方便的时候
ayor at your ownrisk 由自己负责
名副其实什么意思aysos are you stupid orsomething? 你傻啊还是什么别的?
ays are youserious? 你说正经的呢?
ayt are you there?你在吗?
aytmtb and youre tellingme this because 你跟我说这个是因为……
ayw as you wish如你所愿
azn asian亚洲人(别忘了是主要指印度人哦!)
b2w back towork 回去上班
bf boyfriend 男朋友
bg background背景
b4 before 之前
b4n bye fornow 先这样
bau business asusual 正常营业
bb beback 马上回来
bbiab be back in abit 马上回来
bbiam be back in aminute 马上回来
bbias be back in asecond 马上回来
bbl be back later一会回来
bbq barbeque烧烤!!!好想吃!
bbs be back soon一会回来
bbt be backtomorrow 明天回来
bcos because 因为
bday/b-day birthday生日
bf best friend最好的朋友
bff bestfriend forever 永远的好朋友
bffl best friend forlife 一辈子的好朋友
bfflnmw best friends forlife, no matter what 不管怎样都是一辈子的朋友
bffn best friend fornow 暂时最好的朋友
bfn bye for now暂时拜拜
bhl8 be homelate 会晚回家
bif before i forget在我忘记之前
bion believe it ornot 爱相信不相信
blnt better luck nexttime 下次再试吧!
bm bite me寓意是就这样了,咋招?不是咬我的意思。
bme based on myexperience 根据我的经验
bm y between me and you 你我之前
would rather
bn bad news坏消息
bol best of luck祝你好运
boyf boyfriend 男朋友
brb be right back马上回来
br bestregards 最好的祝福
brbb be right backbabe 马上回来
brnc be right back, naturecalls 马上回来,去上厕所
brd bored无聊
btw by theway 顺便说一下
c4n ciao for now拜拜,ciao是意大利语的再见,是的,跟那个字发音很相似
cad control + alt +delete
cam camera 相机
cb coffee break休息时间
cb crazy bi**h飘过……
cm call me打给我
cmb call me back给我回电话
cmiiw correct me if i’mwrong 纠正我如果我错了
cmon come on拜托!!
cob close ofbusiness 停业
cos because 因为
cqrt security安全
cr8 create 创造
craft can’t remember afreaking thing 什么都没记住
crb come right back马上回来
crbt crying really bigtears 大哭
crz crazy疯了
csl can’t stoplaughing 停不了的笑
ct can’t talk说不了话