【上海市】金山区2019届九年级上学期期末考试(一模) 英语试题
Part 1  Listening (第一部分听力)
I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (30)
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到内容选出相应的图片) (6)
1. ________  2. ________  3. ________ 
4. ________  5. ________  6. ________
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8)
(  ) 7.A. By bus.    B. By taxi.   
C. By underground.    D. By Mo-bike.
(  ) 8.A. The boring film.        B. The noisy film.   
C. His poor mind.        D. His poor listening.
(  ) 9.A. Because he had to write.   
B. Because he had an exam.
      C. Because he failed in his writing exam.   
D. Because he didn’t know the exam.
(  )10.A. Cloudy.    B. Rainy.    C. Sunny.    D. Windy.
(  )11.A. A driver.    B. A policewoman.C. A manager.    D. A captain.
(  )12.A. Japan and Britain.    B. A winter holiday.
    C. A holiday plan.    D. A visit to Japan.
time is money(  )13.A. She has the same idea with Tom.                       
    B. Everyone should be responsible for the housework.
    C. She never does the housework.               
    D. Parents should do the housework.
(  )14.A. The speakers can’t play with snow this weekend.
    B. The weather is going to be worse.
    C. It is going to rain this weekend.
    D. It is going to snow this weekend.
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6)
(  )15. Mario went to a big store and the supermarket to do some shopping.
(  )16. Mario went to visit a friend to say “Merry Christmas” to him.
(  )17. Mario decided to go home because it started raining.
(  )18. Luckily, his friend came and offered to change the tyre (轮胎).
(  )19. Mario found the man was a thief when he went to get the presents.
(  )20. The thief went to see Mario to return the things he had stolen.
D. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks (根据你所听到的对话内容,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (10)
21. David Beckham _________ his __________when Harry was growing up.
22. When Harry _________ __________ years old, he spent a year at Arsenal. 
23. It was at Wembley that Harry _________ __________ onto the playground.
24. It only took Harry 80 seconds to score the first goal ________ _______
25. _________ __________, hours of practice and belief bring Harry plenty of confidence.
Part 2  Phonetics, vocabulary and grammar
Ⅱ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (20)
(  )26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?
    A. correct    B. recognize    C. recent        D. method
(  )27. It is not good manners to find ________ excuse when you are late for school.
    A. a    B. an    C. the    D. /
(  )28. “The CIIE is a real example of the possibilities of fair trade”, one of the officers said ________ November 6 last year.
    A. on    B. for    C. in        D. of
(  )29. There are more and more shop keepers doing their business in that new area, ________?
    A. are there    B. aren’t there    C. don’t they        D. do they
(  )30.When helping others, actually, at the same time, we are helping ________.
    A. we    B. our    C. us    D. ourselves
(  )31.The policeman had tried many times to open the door, but failed. He had to try ________ time.
    A. the other    B. others    C. other        D. another
(  )32. You can’t finish reading the newspaper in a minute because there is too much ________ in it.
    A. news    B. words    C. titles    D. pictures
(  )33. Germany is a big country and it is ________ economy in Europe.
    A. larger    B. the largest    C. largest        D. large
(  )34. Don’t be angry ________ him. He has already tried his best.
    A. with        B. for    C. of        D. in
(  )35. Great economic growth ________ place since our reform and opening up began 40 years ago.
    A. will take    B. took    C. was taking        D. has taken
(  )36. he 19th Asian Games _________ in Hangzhou, China in 2022.
    A. holds    B. is held    C. will hold    D. will be held
(  )37. By the end of last month, we ________ twelve English story books.
    A. have read    B. had read    C. were reading    D. are reading
(  )38. You had better ________ the teacher for help when you have questions.   
    A. asking    B. asked    C. ask    D. to ask
(  )39. Our duty in the school is ________ trying and learn by heart.
    A. to keep    B. keeping    C. kept    D. kee
(  )40.The great bridge linking the three cities is ________ the longest sea crossing and the longest fixed link on earth.