Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good salary leads to a better life.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.
Model Answer 1:
Recently, there is an ongoing debate whether it is important to get a good job environment and pleasing job and or to get a job with good wages. I believe the way people’s thinking influences is somehow to consider their decisions for this matter, especially their definitions in happiness and satisfaction in the job. This essay, as my opinion leads to, will try to elaborate both views with some considerations as I agree that enjoyable job is better.
Some of the people have a belief that money can bring anything including happiness. They have dreams to buy luxury goods such as big houses, limited edition cars, updated gadgets
time is moneyor even to collect prestige belongings like rare paintings, sculptures, and something like that, and through that they will feel happy because their stratification in society increasing. These kinds of mindsets can lead to the acknowledgement that bigger payment jobs are better.
However, to think materialism as the goal of life is not relevant in my point of view because enjoyment might not be bought by a piece of papers called dollars. Psychologists explained that if we think money can afford anything, it will be a well-known agreement that the rich are the society class gaining the happiest life, but in the fact, in some ways, tells dissimilar. The rich have more risks to get problems in their families, in educating their children, and other relating impacts which all of them are similarly inevitable. This mindset, the way of thinking that money cannot afford happiness, can be a locomotive for the believers for finding a job which is convenient to avoid the dire effects. They will look for the job with appropriate tasks and deadlines and also consider the environment of business even with a low standard of wages. With happiness, they can get calmness and as a result, they can save money to not to buy for anti-stressed dru
gs as well as to get into excessive entertainment programs.