How to Spend Your Money?
This is the last Saturday subject we talked about together, it is interesting and very close to us. Do you hate it when you really need money, but your wallet is empty? It is so terrible! Right now, you will ask me how to spend and save wisely? Ok, actually I know, saving and investing your money for the future is one of the most practical things you can do. This is the solid advice, but when you do decide to spend your hard earned money, it should be spent on something practical, useful and meaningful to the wellbeing of your existence. So many people either save their money or blow it on worthless crap. Here are a few ways to spend your money on something useful:
■Travel to See the Significant People in Your Life- There may be no better way to spend your money than to use it to nurture and rekindle personal relationships with the most significant people in your life. As time quickly passes, we sometimes forget how essential strong personal relationships are to our mental wellbeing. The older we get, the more we need true friends and family to be regular parts of our lives.
■Education Yourself- Use your money to purchase educational courses or books pertaining to your career, or to a miscellaneous topic that interests and intrigues you. Remember, knowledge is power an
d your brain is the container of that knowledge. There are few options for spending money on something more practical than the development and facility of your brain.
■Add Value to Your Home- Your home should be your sanctuary, the place on this planet where you feel the most comfortable. Adding value to your home, be it personal value or increased monetary value, is always a practical choice for spending your money. If the additions you make increase your level of comfort for years to come, you win. If they increase the value of the home to a third party someday when you sell, you win. If both occur, you win big.
■Take a Healthy, Relaxing Vacation- A vacation revitalizes your mind by pulling you away from the daily stress factors in your life. It can spark creative thought by stimulating your brain with new material. And finally, a vacation allows you to be yourself without the external
influences present in your typical surroundings. Does that sound like something worth spending money on? It should. David told us when he was 10 years old, his mother asked him to sell fruit juice on the open field in front of home, and finally all the money earned by himself would be in his possession. He said this kind of experience is very special and meaningful for him, when he was a child especially. This kind of Phenomena makes up 45%-50% in U.S.A. That is to say around half American have the same experience as children.
time is moneyI think here exists the difference from culture to culture. The attitude of how to manage the money depends on the children’s Parents how to educate their kids. To build up the right value is very important for children.
Alright, above are my personal views, probably you’d pleased to give me more points from
yourselves. .................