M o n e y c a n b u y a h o u s e;b u t n o t a h o m e.钱可以买到房子;却买不到家.
Money can buy a bed ;but not sleep.
Money can buy a clock;but not time.time is money
Money can buy a book;but not knowledge.
Money can buy food;but not an appetite.
Money can buy a position;but not respect.
Money can buy blood;but not life.
Money can buy companions;but not friends.
Money can buy sex;but not love.
Money can buy amusement;but not happiness.
Money can buy luxuries;but not culture.
Monet can buy insurance;but not safety.
I believe many people have heard of the "money is not everything; but no money is absolutely not" this sentence; however; how many people can really understand In our daily life have is able to leave money like that Even a drink also have to pay; how money will have any value Yes; the money will have when it has no value; and it is on value; but some people can't understand this; play a major role in the material life of money indeed; this known to all; but in the spiritual life In this regard money lost all of its glory; is on value.In friendship; love; love in front of money like waste paper; the three things: money can't buy forever; someone will ask not some rich people are not the same; there are many friends around him is spinning all day Isn't this the use of the money Yes; this is the role of money; this money is what makes so many of his so-called friends; this is not a true friend; but a fair-weather friends; when one day he lost money this halo; they will be like a tree fall -- - loose; one by one slowly away from him; while friendship is the most subtle; not money can buy.Love is more than money can buy and sell.If the love is based on money; it would not be love; but in
the business personality; if you insist that it is love; that is insulting love this word; love is sacred; nob
le; love can't be in medium of money.Affection is one to have in life; money is not possible can control it; the family is great;The family is selfless;Love is priceless.Money on these three aspects is not the point of value.When you see this you should know; money also have value of time; cherish your eyes have; whether friends or lover; or a loved one.Don't wait until after losing to know how to Jane; to remember to make up for; use the money to sin; to redeem him; even though he was back to your side; he also has gone bad; when the day you find it; you will regret.Money will have when it has no value; although said no money is nothing; but money is not everythingDon't put money see more important than everything; money can't buy things; these are often the most precious; is something money can't make up for.
The money can only satisfy the physical conditions the demand; but is not multipurpose. there are many things that you can buy with money such as friendship;kindness亲情 love or even happiness. if you put money in the first place; then you will lossbe missing most of the feelings and you will have a non complete life.
I don't want to talk about money which hurts our relationship. Many people argue that money is not the access to everything we need.
That is true. For example; happiness or health can not be bought. Money; is in fact a dharma Chris's sword; is a two-edged weapon; used properly; can help solve most of the life problem; but if the heart will be the role of money raised; it will cause harm to yourself.Yes; nowadays the society is more and more practical; more realistic; pay attention to money; more and more people pursuit of material comforts; but at the same time; a lot of human nature the finer things are forgotten; such as the correct world outlook; the outlook on life; values; love; morality; love view; and so on; in the heart of a lot of people just saved a little bit; even disappeared.But whether or not to drift because of this; just like these people change Not necessarily so Or someone in the world; after all; retains the most precious things in human nature; forgot who said that seems to mean don't cry because it is a scene on the road of life and to ignore the more beautiful scenery.In the same way; because of the change of the world; the society and change their original good nature; is worth The most valuable in life is out of the silt but not imbrued Zhuo QingLian without demon; no matter how environment change the purity can keep its own.As to how each person in the real world view; the use of money; and each one has his way; the method blindly to learn from others may not be suitable for yourself.Is the key to your heart; whether it is life; love; money