Reading and Thinking—Language Points
1.Before you get the job,you need to acquire a kind of qualification.
2.Only a person far away from home knows what homesickness is.
3.I read it quite by accident in the latest edition(版本) of The Global.
4.The consumer asked the business for a reasonable explanation of the rise in price.
5.After all,your bed is likely one of the most comfortable spaces in your home.
6.The reason why we delay is that we find the work too overwhelming(巨大的) for us.
7.My ambition(雄心) is to be admitted into a key university.Therefore,I did everything to review all the subjects.
8.The present situation is very complex(复杂的),so I think it will take me some time to figure out its reality.
9.Every time his son cries for something,he gives in to him.
10.Everyone in our class is encouraged to speak up if they want to express their ideas.
11.Over the years,we all have learned to adapt totime is money our new environment.
12.A great number of new factories have been set up in my hometown so far.
13.This is my first time to come to Beijing.I am not familiar with the streets.
14.Guests arriving late will not be permitted to participate in the program any more.
15.In general,the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of
16.你不一定在第一次尝试的时候就成功。(the first time)
You wont necessarily succeed the first time you try.
17.这是他第三次拜访他朋友的家。(it ime that)
It is the third time that he has visited his friends home.
18.通过窗户我们可以看到孩子们在院子里玩耍。(see sb.doing)
Through the window we can see the children playing in the yard.
In order to have much knowledge of Chinese culture,it is of importance for you to be aware of the content.
20.我们和汤姆都将去海南度假。(as well as)
We as well as Tom are going to Hainan to spend our holiday.
As soon as you are on your way to Eastern Europe,here are a few tips on what you should pack.In general,pack lightly,with only the most basic clothes.People dress casually(随便地) in Eastern Europe,so you dont need to bring along your smartest clothing.
At the risk of going against our own advice by weighing down your luggage,we suggest
you consider bringing along the following things,which we found particularly useful in Eastern Europe.
Batteries:If your camera,flash or other appliances run on batteries,bring enough supply along.Certain types of batteries dont exist in Eastern Europe,and those that do often dont last very long.
Calculators:Many travellers find it useful to figure out foreign exchange rates on a calculator.We suggest a credit card calculator that fits into your wallet or purse.
Cash:We have found it good to have a supply of small unit US bills ($1 and $5) to use in hard­currency(硬通货) stores,to buy international train tickets,etc. The hard­currency stores never seem to have the right change,and thus you may lose out without some pretty cash in hand.
Electric Current Adapters:If you bring any appliances,remember that the electricity in Eastern Europe uses 220 volts C.,not the standard 110 volts of North America.A 110­vo
lt appliance will soon burn out when attached to an uncharged 220­volt plug.Get in touch with the Franzus Company,352 Park Ave,South,New York,NY10010(tel.212/889-5850),and ask for their booklet,Foreign Electricity Is No Dark Secret”.
Language Tools:One of Europes big challenges is communicating with the local people,since their language is so different from our own.To help overcome difficulties,you might buy phrase books before you go—you wont find them useful once you are in Eastern Europe.
If you are interested in learning an Eastern European language in more detail,we recommend the tape course produced by Audio Forum.In each course you listen to native speakers on a tape and follow along in a textbook.You can ask Audio Forum for their catalog(目录) at Broad St.Guilford,CT 06437 (ll free 800,/243-1234).
Money Belts:A money is especially helpful when you have many documents(证件) to carry around(as you always do in Eastern Europe).The best one we found is made by Eagle Creek Travel Gear,143 Cedros Ave.( 651),Solona Beach,CA92075 (tel.619/755-9399,or toll free 800/874-9925) outside California.