第一节 听下面5句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出所听句子中含有的那个选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.    A.every day                    Bevery night            Cvery late
2.    Adog                        Bclothing                Cclothes
3.    Atalk about                    B.talk with                Cread about
4.    A.lifts                        Bgifts                    C.leaves
5.    Aparents                    Bpresents                Cpresent
第二节 听下面5个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子表达的意思相同或相近的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6.    ANeither of them is 16 years old.
BBoth of them are 16 years old.
      CAll of them are 16 years old.
7.    AHe is good at all the subjects
      BHe is weak in all his subjects except Chinese.
      CHe does well in all his subjects except Chinese.
8.    AHe won’t be free tomorrow
BHe will have time tomorrow
      CHe will be free today
9.    AMy aunt asks her daughter to flame Jane
      BMy aunt has a daughter named Jane.
      CMy aunt’s name is Jane
10.AMy house is about twenty minutes walk near the bus.
      BMy house is nearly behind the bus
      CIt takes about twenty minutes to get to my house from here by bus
第三节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最正确答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。
11.ATom                    BMr. White            CMiss Brown
12AShe’s ill                BShe’s tired            CShe wants to have a rest
13AClimb hills〔爬山      BGo fishing.            CGo shopping.
14AMr. Black is free            BMr. Black is out        CMr. Black is busy
15ABecause he is speaking too fast
BBecause he is speaking too slowly
    CBecause he doesn’t know what to say
    第四节 听下面一段对话,回答第16至第20五个小题。
16What ale they talking about?
    ATheir friends                BA surprise party        CA soap opera
17.What did Ben tell Lana?Ben told her that       
AMarcia was going to have a patty for her
BMarcia was going to buy some snacks for her
CMarcia wasn’t mad at her
18How Was Lana feeling when she heard this?
AAngry                    BExcited                CMad
19When would Lana go to Marcia’s house?
AOn Friday                BOn Friday night        COn Sunday night
20Why did Marcia call her friends?
ATo invite them to the party
BTo tell them the time of the party
CTo tell them she won't have the party
第五节    听下面一段短文,回答第21至第25五个小题。
21Li Ming’s aunt lives in        
AShanghai                    BChangsha                CTianjin
22Li Ming wanted to go to his aunt’s home        
Aby bike                    Bby car                Cby bus
23The first bus leaves at        
A5:30                        B.6:30                    C9:40
24        telephoned the bus station
ALi Ming                    BLi Ming’s mother        CLi Ming’s aunt
25.At last         buses came together
Afour                        Btwo                    Cthree
第一节单项填空time is money10小题;每题1分,总分值10分
26I predict he will be an engineer         ten years because he is so interested in making things
Ain                        Bafter                    C1ater
27Mrs. Smith couldn’t find her little son, so she had to         his name on the street
Atalk                        Bsay                    Cshout
28He         if you         him
Awill come; will invite          Bwill come; invite        Ccomes; will invite
29If there are         trees, the air in our city will be         cleaner
A1ess, more                    Bmore, more            Cmore, much
30She said she         flying to Shanghai next weekend
A.will be                    Bwas                    Cis
31.You look tired, so you         stop to have a rest
Amustn’t                    Bshould                Cwould
32.——I’m going to Japan next month
——        you are there, call you buy me a Japanese camera?
ABecause                    BBefore                CWhile
33.——What         if I copy other’s homework?
——It will start a bad habit
Awill take place                Bhappens                Cwill happen
34.——What wore you doing last Sunday morning?
      ——Was watching TV while my little brother         with a ball
Aplayed                    B.was playing            Cwould play
35.——I was helping my mother clean the room yesterday afternoon
——        I saw you playing basketball on the playground
AYou are busy            BYou are lucky        CYou are kidding
第二节 完形填空l0小题;每题l分,总分值l0
Generation gap〔代沟〕has become a serious problem in Our societyI read a 36 about  it in the morning newspaperIt is said that some children even want to kill themselves after having quarrels〔争吵〕with their 37 .I think this is because parents and children don’t often 38  each otherParents now spend more and more time in the office, 39 they don’t have much time to stay with their childrenAs time goes by, they both feet that they don’t have the 40 topic〔话题〕to talk about