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《Money And Banking》试卷B
1.Which of the following can be defined as derived financial instrument:
A.swaps      Bmon stock      C.negotiable certificates of deposit    Dmercial paper
2.Which of the following can be refer to paper money fully backed by a precious metal:
Amodity money      B.representative money    C.credit money      D.electronic money
3.According to Grasham's law,which of following is true:
A.bad money drove out good money acted
B.bad money is the money that its real value is higher than its nominal value
C.good money is the money that its nominal value is higher than its real vaue
D.the good money will be abundant in the market
4.According to Marx's theory on interest rate,which of the following is the most important factor in determining the interest rate:
A.social average of profit                                B.demand and supply of money
C.national economic policies                            D.level of international interest rate
5.Which of the following is not the police bank in China:
A.People's bank of China                          B.the State Development Bank of China
C.the Agricultural Development Bank of China          D.the Export-Import Bank of China
6.Which of the following is true:
A.the five-classification loans can be defined as pass ,special mention,substandard,doubtful and loss loans
B.FEDWIER is an electronic funds transfer systems in UK
C.the functions of the central bank is not including the banker's bank
D.the European Union is adopting the Quasi-central bank system now
7.which of the following cannot defined as indirect credit control:
A.window guidance        B.moral suasion    C.financial examination    D.interest ceiling
8.which of the following is not true:
A.overdraft means that a bank allows its demand depositors to draw money from the ban
k within the line of credit by writing checks
B.traditional deposits can be grouped as demand,savings and time deposits
C.deposits are the liabilities of the commercial banks
D.branch banking refers to the system without any branches
9.Which of the following is not true:
A.capital markets deal in the long-term debts with a maturity longer than one year
B.Capital markets include bond market and stock market
C.There are higher yields,higher risks of financial instruments in capital markets
D.repurchase agreements can be regarded as capital market instrument
10.which of the following is not the features of money markets:
A.short maturity                  B.high liquidity     
C.high risk                      D.meeting temporary demands for funds
1.Primary market
2.Standard of value
3.Multinational central bank system
4.Unit banking
5.Monetary base
6.Time lag
1.What is the definition of the guaranteed loans?
2.What is called as liquidity trap?
3.What is the definition of on-discount?
4.What can be defined as treasury bills?
According to Keynes' theory of money demand,the reason why people hold money is that they have the liquidity preference.It is the desire that forms people's demand for money,which can be determined by three motives.Please write down which are three motives of the Keynes's theory.
《Money And Banking》试卷B答案
1A    2.B    3.A    4.A    5.A
10.A    7.D    8.D    9.D    10.C
1.Primary market:primary market involves creating and issuing new securities
2.Standard of value:when money displays and measures the value of other commodities,it functions as the standard of value
3.Multinational central bank system:it refers to a central bank established by a group of counties which are the members of a certain monetary union
4.Unit banking:it refers to a system under which banking businesses are conducted only by independent banks without any branches
5.Monetary base:the monetary base is defined as the banking system reserves plus the currency held by the public.  B=C+R
time is money6.Time lag: the time lag of monetary policy is the delay between the time at which the policy actions are taken and the time at which the expected results of monetary policy are achieved.