In real life, some people lamented fate, life is like a dream, but someone complained about a boring alive, more people say that life is painful and boring;So no faith in the philosophy of life had put down, we are seeing too much of emptiness and boredom of life, the game of life too much, too much of a decadent and depressed Jack London ‘s
“love life “ has given us a profound revelation: in order to achieve a goal in life, life will be with my desperate fight against all difficulties and obstacles on the road, and daring to win.In the face of life, work, encountered difficulties and even life-threatening, we can ‘t wait passively;Only struggle, because in addition to the victory, we have no choice!The protagonist in the novel in the face of many difficulties and obstacles, want to give up life, choose death is the easy things, but he is not willing to die, he chose struggle.To pursue something in life to live, therefore, vigorous, achieve, learn to strong, learn to struggle in life, only in this way, can we live up to the great trust of life, to live up to life itself.现实生活中,有人慨叹生不逢时、人生如梦,有人抱怨活着真没意思,更有人说人生就是痛苦和无聊;于是在这种没有的人生观唆使下,我们看到的是太多的生活的空虚和无聊,太多的游戏人生,太多的颓废和消沉以及百无聊赖… …杰克·伦敦的《热爱生命》给了我们深刻的启示:为了达到一个人生的目标,就要同人生道路上的一切艰难险阻做殊死的搏斗,并且敢于胜利。面对生活、工作遇到困难甚至生命受到