南 昌 工 程 学 院
毕 业 设 计 (论 文)
机械与电气工程学院(院)系 电气工程及其自动化 专业
毕业设计(论文)题目 基于单片机设计的计算器(硬件)
学    生    姓    名                 
班                级     
学                号                 
指    导    教    师                     
完    成    日    期  2010 年  6  月  18  日

计算机毕业论文The calculator based on the design of MCU (hardware)
总计  毕业设计(论文)  34 页
表          格    6 个
插          图  18 幅
摘  要
本次设计是采用MSC-51单片机来设计的六位数计算器, 采用C语言进行程序编写实现计算器功能。外接4X5的键盘,通过键盘扫描来完成输入数的控制,输出采用1602液晶显示,并设有清零键可随时完成计算与显示的清零。计算器将完成的0至99999整数的加/减/乘/除运算。
关键字:单片机AT89S52  1602液晶  矩阵键盘  C语言
In recent years, as computer penetration in the social field and large-scale development of integrated circuits, microcontroller applications are continually deepening, because of its powerful function, small size, low power consumption, cheap, reliable, easy to use, etc. therefore particularly suitable for systems with control of more and more widely used in au
tomatic control, intelligent instruments, meters, data acquisition, military products and home appliances fields.
As one of the main branch of microcomputer, microcontroller in the structure of the biggest feature is the CPU, RAM and ROM memory, timer and multiple I / O interface circuit integrated on a VLSI chip. The composition and function from its point of view, a single chip is actually a computer.