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张明鑫,男, 1996年生,硕士研究生,研究方向:信息分析与情报服务。
The Research on the Usability Evaluation of Think Tank Website
HUANG XiaoBin  ZHANG MingXin
( School of Information Management of Sun-Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China ) Abstract: The purpose of this study is to fully investigate the relevant research results at home and abroad, establishing a set of index system for evaluating the usability of think tank websites. Based on the three elements of success of information system and four principles of usability engineering, an evaluation index system of website usability of think tanks with 3 first-level indicators and 17 second-level indicators is preliminarily established.  Then an expert survey was conducted, and experts were invited to discriminate and score the index system. The weight of each index in the index system is determined. The quality of research report is the key influencing the usability of think tank website. Enhancing the information content and user interface, especially the authority of information content and the response speed of website system helps to improve the usability of think tank website.
Keywords: Tink Tank Website; Think Tank; Usability; Multi-index Comprehensive Evaluation
《汉语主题词表(工程技术卷)》已于2014年由科学技术文献出版社出版,分为13个分册,总定价3 880元。《汉语主题词表(自然科学卷)》已于2018年5月由科学技术文献出版社出版,分为5个分册,总定价1 247元。两卷均可分册购买。