technology brought great convenience to our lives yet it also created multiple social problems. what do you think about technology? please write about your opinion. give two or three examples to illustrate your point.
范文:the 20th century saw many great inventions, such as airplanes, motion pictures, television, telephone, computer, the internet, to list just a few. Each of these inventions bears witness to the amazing advancements in technology in the past century. These inventions made our lives much easier and much more enjoyable. however, progress in technology is always a double-edged sword. People invented pesticides to kill pests but pesticides can pollute the environment by entering the water supplies and harming birds that eat the dead insects. Cell phone has greatly facilitated communication yet it has been proved that it poses danger to users’ health. What’s more, cell phones often go off during movies, concerts, classes, meetings, and libraries and create public nuisance. Automobiles have become an indispensable tool to the modern man but they consume great amounts of fuel, and create enormous environmental problems. Also, many people are killed in car accidents every year. Internet links tens of millions of people around the world but people are so addicted to the internet today that they don’t go out and do exercises.
In a word, technology can be put to good use only when it’s used properly. People often find it hard to balance the convenience brought by modern technology and its potentially harmful effects. I believe the average people should be educated about the potential harm of technology and should always use it with a mind to promoting the public good.
please write an essay on the topic “internet, society and our lives”.
internet, society and our lives
there is increasing concern that those unable to use and access new technologies marginalized from all aspects of economic and social activity. Internet has become an essential and powerful influence on our everyday lives. However, if used improperly, internet can put us at risks too.
The internet is a wonderful source from which we can retrieve valuable information. Moreover, it facilitates our communication with people far away from us at a cost substantially less than that of traditional means of communication. Also, it can be an important building block to children’s learning because vast amount of information is only clicks away. There is evidence suggesting that computer use is linked to slightly better academic performance.
However, we have sufficient evidence indicating that the internet can be a harmful influence on people. for example, its addictive power has increased children and youngsters’ time spent in front of the computer screens at the expense of other healthier physical activities, thus increasing their chance of getting overweight and short-sighted. In addition, children have limited ability of telling right from wrong and therefore are subject to the potential contaminating influence of the harmful materials on the internet.
In short, the negative influence of the internet should be minimized by diverting people, especially young people’s, interest to other areas of life. Like every other thing, internet is like a coin that has two sides. We must realize its harmful potentials while making use of it to achieve a better and more meaningful life.
what do you think of internet?
Internet plays an important role in our life. When you search through the net, the world seems smaller than ever, and New York seems no farther than your home town. Every hour, thousands of people, including young children, university students, scientists, businessmen, seek various informati
on through  Internet. You can discuss international crisis, football match, or your viewpoint on love and marriage with known or unknown people. In this way, you may make some friends, who share common views with you. When you are in trouble, you may ask for help through internet. What’s more, various meetings are held on the net. “what a wonder!” you
may say. Yes, internet is one of the most interesting things man has ever invented. But as many other inventions, it has its own problems.
First of all, there is too much rubbish on the net. some people are just over-enthusiastic to offer valueless information. This, in turn, has led to the increasing difficulty in finding what you want. Officials also find it hard to prevent internet from the invasion of criminals. And sometimes the cost is so prohibiting too many Chinese. There is no doubt that internet has contributed and will contribute greatly to our life because it is one of the most convenient ways of communication. Once you know it, you cannot resist it. Thousands of people have fallen in love with it. But won’t it serve us better if stricter administration is applied to it?
read the news report below and write about human activities and the destruction of the environment
based on the picture.
范文:with the development of modern technology and the quickened process of industrialization of all countries, an increasing number of animals and plants are disappearing at an alarming rate.
Human activities can cause many environmental changes that can affect plants and animals. Today, with an expanding global population, especially in developing countries, people are seeking more energy and more space to accommodate the added population. People cut down forests and drain wetlands to make land. In order to increase the production of grain and vegetables, farmers use chemicals to kill unwanted plants and insects. Large industries emit high amounts of industrial pollutants, contaminating the air and the water supplies. Also there are many people who hunt and trap animals for their own economic gains. For example, some people believe that the bones of tigers can cure certain diseases. Uncontrolled killing of tigers has caused a sharp decrease in the tiger population around the world. These human activities all pose a serious threat to the existence of many endangered species. We
should be aware of the damages that human activities have brought to the environment, and we should do our utmost to spread the word/get the word out that we must protect our environment, stop killing the animals. We should make the world a better place to live in not only for us, but also for the future generations.
read the picture provided and think about the following question.
Ever since the sheep dolly was successfully cloned the big question in genetics has been: "is cloning moral, ethical? Is it right?" it is up to the individual to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. What’s your opinion on this?
what do you think about the classic issue of cloning Einstein to advance our science to an unthinkable level, or cloning hitler to lead another holocaust?
write a short essay about human cloning. make sure you address both issues above.
范文:ever since the advent of the cloning technology, humans have discovered a better way to understand the genetic composition of human beings. many people are thrilled by the prospect of bei
ng able to understand our evolution, or to produce “superhumans.”what’s more, people no longer have to wait for years for their organ transplant. but i believe the cons of human cloning far outweigh the pros, in other words, cloning humans is wrong. the reasons are as follows:
humans are responsive and sensitive beings with free will. they are not made to be specimens. if certain militant countries get their hands on human cloning technology, they will be enabled to clone armies and become a threat to world peace.if humans can be cloned, it makes them property of those scientists, which can be sold. as far as the classic issue of cloning geniuses or tyrants, i think the whole idea is a farce. while the potential for those events to transpire still remains genetically there, they need to be environmentally influenced to happen. they need to have the same experiences. for instance, einstein failed math as a child, but later was one of only 5 people who could mathematically understand his relativity proof. hitler was a humble, quiet person before he came to power and did horrendous war crimes in world war ii.
in sum, we must utilize bio-technology in a very cautious manner. if the technology is used inappropriately it can bring disaster to the entire human race.
in this part, you are to write within 40 minutes a composition of 200 words or so about “narrowing the chasm between western and eastern regions”. you should write according to the three-point outline given below. please remember to write it clearly on the composition sheet. title: narrowing the chasm between western and eastern regions outline: 1. 东部的优势和局限2. 西部的问题和潜力3. 东西部的互补性
after 20 years of opening-up and reform, the eastern region has established a fairly good infrastructure and a strong economy. besides, science, technology and education in the eastern region are well developed. however, the eastern region is densely populated and is limited in land. therefore, there is limited room for further development. the western region has its own problems and potentials. it has a vast
land area, and is rich in natural resources. though expansive, the land is not fertile, and the water resources are scarce. the ecological environment is threatened by a severe erosion problem. though the region is threatened by a severe problem. though the region is rich in mineral resources, the lack of water, money and technology, a s well as the risks of ecological damage, have made them hard to excavate. to develop national economy, the eastern and western regions need to join hands. the eastern provinces need to find venues for their extra capital and commodities resulting from the ongo
ing economic re3structuring. the western region which badly needs investment can complement the east since the west has rich resources and large potential market.
the development of western china
as we all know, the chinese government has already begun implementing some strategies to develop western china, shifting the focus of economic construction from the eastern to western part of the country. developing western china is of great importance. it will bring western china more chances to absorb foreign investments, technology, and even management experience, which are just what they greatly need. on the other hand, as western china is a vast market, many eastern companies can cooperate with western companies and earn more money from it.
western china has been an undeveloped area for a long time because of its remoteness , poor education and inadequate infrastructure construction. luckily, nowadays western china develops very fast .the local governments have begun to accelerate the infrastructure construction. additionally, they have already paid much more attention to the investment of education and have drawn up talent cultivation programs.
in my opinion, the development of western china is full of hope, chances, and challenges. as a univer
sity student of the 21st century, we should actively respond to the call of our country and devote ourselves to the development of western china.
develop western regions
the large scale development of west china is of profound significance. first, it will open a broad development space for central and eastern regions.besides, it’s critical to china’s overall economic rese. what’s more, it’s the only effecitive way to decrease the imbalance of economic development in the east and the west so as to revitalize our nation.
there are various reasons why the landlocked west has lagged behind in its economic development .the chief reason, i think, is that the opening up policies enable the east to lure more foreign capital and make a fantastic spur in its development. as a result, it leaves the the west far behind in its economic growth. in addition, the west’s unique unfavorable geographic positions greatly limit its development .therefore, the gaps between the west and the east have been widened since china’s reform. in fact, many regions in the west still remain comparatively underdeveloped. to illustrate, most of the 30 million poor population, who still have subsistence problems, live there. moreover, cur
rently the per capita gdp in west china is only about 60%of national average. and the vast west china makes less contribution to the nation’s development. if left unchanged, the underdevelopment in the west will greatly affect overall
prosperity and even social stability.
however, the western region development is a long-term systematic project. it calls for tremendous efforts of several generations. to sum up, our chief goal is to build west china with economic prosperity, social progress, political stability and beautiful landscape. finally, i believe the west will catch up with the east in its economic development in the near future.
on developing tourism
1. 目前的状况
2. 发展旅游业的好处
3. 由此而
4. 产生的问题
5. 我的看法
tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in china. with the reform and opening -up policy
being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. they are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5, 000 years.
tourism as a form of enterprise brings china a lot of benefits. in the fires place, it is financially beneficial to the economic development of china. as our know, china needs more and more foreign currencies for its modernization program. tourism is one of the most important channels to obtain currencies. secondly, tourism enables the chinese people to know more about the outside world. on the other hand, the foreigners who have visited china are deeply impressed by the latest developments of out country and the friendliness and hospitality of our people. reports by visitors to china about how courteous and helpful most chinese were to them are often printed in newspapers of many different countries. it is clear that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between the chinese people and people all over the world.
everything, however, has two sides. tourism gives rise to a number of problems. for instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. besides, the living standard of the average chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels. therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country.
as for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will