范文:Writing an Essay
  在进行了许多英文写作练习之后,你对如何写好文章这一问题也一定有不少的体会。那么就请你以“Writing an essay, while easy for a fortunate few, can be sheer torture for others”为开篇句,以“Writing an Essay”为题写一篇文章。
  Writing an Essay
  Writing an essay, while easy for a fortunate few, can be sheertorture for others.
  It involves an interplay of ideas, a good command of grammar and vocabulary, and some knowledge of writing skills.
  One must have some ideas to write. Without relevant ideas, the essay would be meaningless. A person英语作文范文s rich experience and wide range of knowledge is the source of ideas upon which he must draw while writing.
  Given adequate ideas, one needs to write them down by the correct use of grammar and words. An essay full of grammar and spelling mistakes is not readable at all.
  Furthermore, one must master certain writing skills, otherwise his pen would be awkward. Writing skills enable one to write an essay with unity and coherence. They can also make him drive his ideas in simple and clear language.
  So if one tries to achieve an easy pen, he must develop his writing ability in terms of these three factors.