  高一常考英语作文范文整理 篇24  高一常考英语作文范文整理 篇26  高一常考英语作文范文整理 篇27
    When summer comes,for girls,it is time to take off the thick clothes and put on the
beautiful dress to show their youth.It is so amazing to dress what they want for youth is the their advantage.Many girls feel annoyed before they go out of their houses.They don’t know what to dress,even there are all kinds of clothes in their wardrobe.To follow the fashion means there are never enough clothes to put on.In my opinion,the simple,the better,so the best fashion belongs to the T shirt and jeans,which will never be out of date.
    So many celebrities have set the example to the public.They dress the the T shirts and jeans to walk in the street,so simple and so fashionable.So if girls don’t know what to wear,then choose white T shirt.
  高一常考英语作文范文整理 篇28
    As usual,I got up at six in the morning today.I am an early bird because it says the birds get up early can catch worm,well,I wasnt going to catch worm,even not the one in my computer,haha,they were actually some viruses in my computers,I guess its because I use pirated software all the time.Anyway,I did exercises and then studied for a while just like before,but I got one more special thing to do today: u know what?today is Saturday,it means I dont have school.
    The next thing happens made me happier today was when I went out shopping with my friends,a person looks someone who was just travlling here ask me for direction.I told him the direction but it seems he didnt get it,so I decided to walk with him to the place he wanted to go to.and finally,we found the place yep!
    And then,after I helped him,I met a beggar,he asked me for 2 dollars to buy food,what?I have only 3 dollar,so I gave him 1.5.I was so kind.Yep!I am so happy!