六级英语作文范文10篇 - 5068儿童网
多吃水果的好处 The Advantage of Eating Fruit
It is well-known that fruit is good for our health and we should have more. Do you really understand what benefit it brings to us? Let me show you some.
First of all, fruit is good for our skin. Fruit has rich trace elements and vitamin, which can nourish the skin. The makeup is hard to reach its effect. Besides, some fruit have the effect of delaying senescence for the elements their contain. So, eating more fruit can make skin better and look more beautiful.
Secondly, fruit is good for our health. It helps to prevent and treat disease. Fruit is helpful to treat cardiovascular disease, dental ulcer and so on. The people who eat fruit often have less risk to get those diseases.
Last, fruit is delicious. Different fruit have different tastes. Many people like eating it as snacks. For me, eating delicious food can make me feel happy. I often eat apple, pear, banana, litchi and so on. I like them.
To sum up, fruit is really good for us, inside and outside. We should take some in our daily life, but we should not eat excessively.
英语六级易考范文:The Effects of the Economic Crisis 经济危机的影响
The US sub-prime mortgage crisis turns out to be anightmare for the world economy.
Though it took shape in the United States, it hasalready resulted in adverse consequences for banksand financial market around the world.
Affected by this crisis, the global economy wasreduced to slowdown and last to date, and no onecan see the bottom.
On the one hand, many companies just go bankruptor have to tighten their budget and recruit feweremployees.
Therefore, it is difficult for graduates to find a job.
英语作文范文Even if those graduates are employed, their salaries will accordingly affected by the recessedeconomy.
On the other hand, while the economic crisis is still ongoing, its impact has already extendedto our daily life.
The consumer price index raises and people are experiencing the sense of desperateinsecurity.
Though economic crisis has its negative impacts, we can not become pessimistic about thefuture.
We college students should be urged to work harder in order to get prepared for theunexpected future.
英语六级易考范文:On College Students Supporting Rural Construction 论大学生支持农村建设
Nowadays, college graduates are encouraged to find jobs in rural area to support itsconstruction, such as village officials, agriculture technicians, teachers, etc.
As estimated, the number of students who have got jobs in rural area is on the rise.
Several factors lead to the phenomenon.
Firstly, there is an urgent need of brains in the countryside.
Actually, the root of poverty in those regions is the lack of knowledge.
Therefore, talents importing is the first step to the success of the development.
Secondly, with the expansion of college enrollment, the job market becomes more and morecompetitive.
Graduates find themselves difficult to get a satisfactory job in the urban area, especially in bigcities.
Thirdly, government’s call arouses many graduates’ patriotism and enthusiasm to join therural construction.
As for me, I am proud of those students who have devoted themselves to the ruralconstruction.
I firmly believe that with the great efforts of the government and the student workers, therural region will be well developed and become better off in the near future.
英语六级易考范文: Internet and Privacy 互联网和隐私
Internet is playing a more important role in our life.
We work with it, giving and receiving orders; we communicate with it, through e-mail, on-line phone, or MSN; we entertain with it, playing games, watching movies, and enjoying music; we study with it, looking for and exchanging information; we live with it, doing shopping and banking.
Besides, we can log on to the Internet on campus, in a bar, at home, or in a hotel, almostanywhere anytime.
However, if we want to enjoy the service, we have to register with many websites, typing in our name, age, gender, address, andtelephone number.