Module 1失物招领&寻物启事
  1)假设你是Kate,来自七年级(1)班。昨天早上,你骑自行车去图书馆,回来时发现自行车不见了。车子是新的,蓝的,前面有一个黄的篮子(basket)。请写一则寻物启事,你的电话号码是3278781.  要求:50 词左右 
Lost (寻物启事) 
My name is Kate. I’m from Class1, Grade7. Yesterday morning I went to the library by bike . I found the bike was lost when I went back. I felt very sad . It’s a birthday present from my mother . It’s a new and blue bike. It has a yellow basket. If you find it. Please call me . My telephone number is 3278781. Thanks!
2) 假如你是李华,来自七年级(2)班。昨天下午你在学校操场捡到了一件校服,校服是蓝白相间的、新的。口袋里有一把钥匙。请写一份失物招领。你的电话是3278781. 要求:至少写出5句话。
My name is Li Hua, I’m from Class1, Grade7. Yesterday afternoon I found a school uniform on the school playground. The uniform is blue and white . It is new. There is a key in the pocket. If the uniform is yours, please call me at 3278781.
1. 姓名;李华,七年级2班 ,14岁   
2. 表现:学习努力,在学校表现好
3. 爱好:唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴、打篮球 
4. 性格:善良、乐于助人、与老师同学相处融洽。
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua. I would like to be the class monitor. Here are my rea
sons(理由). First, I study very hard and I do well at school. Second, I can sing, dance and play the piano. And I am good at playing basketball. Finally, I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. I can get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. Choose me as the class monitor. I promise to help you and I will be your best friend!
Module3: 制定计划(Make plans)
1)暑假即将来临,在回忆去年的暑假经历的同时,对于今年的暑假你也许有不一样的安排。假如你是王玲玲,请根据下面的表格内容写一篇以“My plans for the summer holiday”为题的作文。
Hello, my name is Wang Lingling. Last year, I spent my summer holiday at home. I only did my homework and watched TV so I felt very bored. And this year, Im going to have a different holiday because Im going on a trip around the world. Now let me tell you some plans for it. First, I am going to walk up Great Wall in Beijing. I will enjoy a lot of delicious food, such as Beijing Roast Duck . Second, I am also going to go to Paris, France. I will visit Louvre Museum because I want to see the works of art. Finally, I am going to England. I will go to visit Big Ben and take a boat tour on the River Thames.  These are my plans for the summer holiday. What about yours?
2) 介绍朋友的周末:  Write about Lucy’s plans for the weekend.
Lucy’s  plans for the weekend
fly a kite
buy some clothes
go to a party
go over lessons
have a picnic
watch TV
Lucy’s plans for the weekend
Lucy is my best friend. Let me tell you something about her plans for the weekend. On Saturday morning , she is going to fly a kite and she is going to buy some clothes in the afternoon . In the evening , she is going to go to a party. On Sunday morning , she is going to go over lessons . She is going to have a picnic in the afternoon . She is going to watch TV in the evening with her family. These are Lucy’s plans for the weekend. What about yours?
Module4: Life in the future (未来生活)
现在学生在校时间长,活动时间少,作业负担重,那么你梦想中的学校是什么样子的呢?请以My dream school 为题,展开想象,给大家描述一下吧。
My dream school
My dream school is a happy place for children to play and study. It will have less homework and more free time for us to play. The class will be from 9:00 to 11:00 in the m
orning and 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon. Our classroom will be very big and there will be no teachers. We will learn on computers. We will send our homework to the teachers by emails. Everyone will be happy in our school. Do you like my dream school?
Module5  网购成为我们生活中不可或缺的部分。但是,网购在给我们带来便利的同时,也存在很多弊端。就以下的内容,写一篇关于网购的文章,60词左右。
1.shop at any time
2.compare the prices of the same product
3.save money
4.receive it anywhere in the world at any time
1.can’t see the product or try the clothes on
2.it isn’t safe to pay on the Internet
There are many new ways of shopping and online shopping is one of them. Online shoppi
ng has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. Second, you can compare the prices of the same product and save money. Third, we can receive it anywhere in the world at any time. Online shopping also has disadvantages. First, we can’t see the product or try the clothes on. Second, it isn’t safe to pay on the Internet. Anyway(无论如何), online shopping is great fun. And I enjoy it!
假设你是Tony,请根据下面的提示,以“My Past Life”为题,写一篇不少于60词的英语短文
be born          a small village, November 24th,1992
first school      Tianjing No.1 primary school,  small but beautiful 
first teacher      Miss White, taught English, kind but  strict 
first friends      Lily and Sarah, were nice and helpful 
Childhood(童年)  Simple(简单)but happy 
My name is Tony. I was born on November 24th, 1992 in a small village. My first school was Sun Primary School. It was small but beautiful. Miss White was my first teacher and she taught me English. She was very kind but strict. My first friends were Lily and Sarah. They were very nice and helpful. This is my past life. It was simple but happy. What about yours? 
Module 8精卫填海
Jingwei Decides to Fill the Sea
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Nüwa. Her father was Emperor Yan and he loved his daughter very much . They lived in a palace. They often played together in the garden and they were very happy. One day, Nüwa went to the sea by boat . The weather was bad and the boat was in pieces. Nüwa fell into the water and she died. Then Nüwa changed into a bird called Jingwei and returned home. The Emperor cried because Nüwa died. But when he watched the bird , he was happy again. Finally, the bird decided to return to the sea and tried to fill the sea with pebbles.