写作思路:名字(姓与名的介绍,即last name 于first name)、年龄、生日、所在学校、班级、爱好(食物、学科、运动、颜等)及对该爱好的理由和看法。
My Friend
I have a good friend. His name isHis first name is And His last name is   He is 13 (years old). His birthday is on August 25th. He is a student, and He is in Class 2 ,Grade 7. He likes sports .His favorite sport is basketball, because he thinks its interesting. He always plays basketball after school with his classmates. He likes volleyball , too. But he doesnt play it, he only watch it on TV. His favorite subject is English, because he thinks its interesting and useful. But he doesnt like math. The teacher says its useful, but he thinks its too difficult for him.(食物与颜不展开)
2.介绍我的房间(My Room)
写作思路:(1)描述物品的摆放位置。基本句型:东西+is/are+方位介词短语;或者  方位介词短语+ is/are+东西。应以前一种为主要句型。
My Room
This is my room. Its tidy.(若不干净则写:Its not tidy.)
My bed is in the middle of the room, and a blue quilt is on the bed. Blue is my favorite col
or. Next to the bed is a desk. Whats that on the desk? Its a computer, but its not mine, its my fathers. I have a basketball, and I can play it well. It’s my favorite sport. I think its interesting. I always play basketball after school with his classmates. There are two photos on the wall. (若还有其他东西,继续介绍)
My room is very nice, I love my room.
3.运动收藏(sports collection)
写作要点:(1)注意东西的单复数    (2)穿插喜好和观点
My sports collection(我的运动收藏)
My name is I like sports, so I have a sports collection.
I have five basketballs, a soccer ball, two ping-pong bats and six ping-pong balls. I like basketball, its my favorite sport. I always play it after school. Its very interesting. And I lik
e ping-pong, I can play it very well. I like soccer, too. But I dont play it. I think its difficult for me. So I only watch it on TV.
4.饮食习惯(Eating Habits)
        (2)基本句型:I like+食物(+for breakfast/lunch/dinner)
              I have +食物+for breakfast/lunch/dinner
My Eating Habits
I have a healthy life(生活).
I have two eggs, milk and an apple for breakfast. I like apples, because theyre healthy. I li
ke chicken, carrots and rice for lunch.  I like hamburgers, but I dont eat them, they’re not healthy. And for dinner, I have fish, tomatoes and rice . After dinner, I can eat ice-cream. Its my favorite. But I only eat one a day, because I dont want to be fat.
These are my eating habits. I think they are healthy. (Now you see, I eat well. I have good eating habits.)What about your eating habits?
My father and mother are in the first photo.
In the next photo are my sister, my brother and I.
My grandparents are in the third photo.
My Family
There are five people in my family, my parents, my sister, my brother and I.
My father is 40 years old. He is a teacher. My mother is 40, too. She has a telephone, and the number is 1234567. My sister, my brother and I are students. We are in the same school. We all like sports. My sister likes tennis. She says its easy for her. My brother and I like basketball. It’s really interesting and relaxing for us. So I always play basketball with my brother after school.
This is my family. I love my family.
Mr. Browns Store
Come and buy your school things at Mr. Browns store. All the school things are on sale.
Do you need schoolbags? They are only 10 dollars. And we have the pencil-boxes for only 5 dollars. What about the pencils? They are only 1dollers. And the pen is only 2dollars. For boys, we have balls--- basketballs, soccer balls, ping-pong balls and so on. They are all at very good prices.
Come and buy your school things now! Time waits for no man.
7.学校活动(School Activities)
School Activities
We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.
We have a school trip on September 8th. Its really interesting. And we have the sports festival on October 25th and 26th. But I think its boring, because I dont like sports. November is a great month. The School Day is on November 1st. Your parents can come to our school. And on November 11th is the music festival, I like music very much. Then we have an English test. I like English, its my favorite subject. And we have an English party on December 24th.
This is really a busy term. Have a good time!
(1)注意时间的格式和连接词(and、then、after that)的使用
My Friday
I am very busy on Friday.