Now people's economic conditions are getting better and better, their living standards are getting higher and higher, their information acceptance is faster and faster, their education time is longer and longer, but their sense of happiness is less and less. What is the reason?
Happiness, security and gain are interdependent pursuits of life. There are four main reasons for the decline of modern people's happiness:
First, due to the pressure of housing, education, medical care and elderly care, people feel a threat to their safety. The pressure is huge. There is only sadness and anxiety. How can we talk about happiness? Moreover, in real life, only a small number of the real rich, and the vast majority of migrant workers and wage earners have become poor in the face of high prices and high housing prices.
Second, the improvement of material life and the colorful world have stimulated the weakness and desire of human nature. Greed is expanding, and the reality is difficult to me
et the expanding greed, so they put the present happiness behind them and pursue the happiness that is expected but unreachable. Housing replacement, vehicle replacement, consumption upgrading, businesses are constantly meeting people's pursuit, and people are climbing their desire in pursuit of the wind. The pain rises with the desire.
Third, the law of diminishing happiness is playing a magical role. In the past, a good meal, a little lucky money and a new dress during the spring festival would bring great joy. But now our ideas, needs and desires have changed a lot, but the same things have different feelings. It is difficult to find the happiness and satisfaction of the past era of material poverty. The society is developing, the economy is improving, conditions are improving, and happiness is decreasing. This seems to be an unchanging law.
Fourth, improper comparison. Watching other people live in luxury houses, drive luxury cars, spend money with beautiful women, and then look at their own lives. They often worry about their children's tuition fees and the elderly's medical expenses. They will feel that their sense of gain is so unbearable. An inexplicable jealousy will emerge. They will never be surprised at their hard-earned gains, and that kind of happiness will disappear.
Happiness, in this way, has been driven by us. We only feel that there is no happiness, only the pressure is not calm, and only fear is not safe.
In fact, happiness is a feeling, right now, in ordinary days, right under your feet.
四是不当的攀比。看着别人住豪宅,开豪车,伴美女,高消费,再看看自己苟且的生活,还常常为孩子的学费、老人的药费发愁,会 感到自己的获得感是如此不堪,一种莫名的嫉妒便冒了出来,对自己辛苦努力挣来的收获,便再也惊喜不起来了,那种本该有的幸福也会荡然无存。