PEP 六下 Unit3 B Read and write
1.难点: 绝大部分学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读短文,能综合运用本单元的核心句型。
2 重点:大部分学生能综合运用本单元的核心词句,根据阅读所获取的信息完成有意义的仿写活动。
Step1 Preparation
PPT播放My holiday album
1.Free talk:
T: Just now you saw my photos from many holidays. Do you like holidays? I had wonderful holidays. How was your holiday? 
Ss: It was good/fine/…
T: Where did you go? How did you go there? What did you do there?
Ss: …
T: Most of you had happy holidays. So do I. Last winter holiday, I had a fun time with my dog. Do you like dogs? Look, this is my  dog. Her name is Lele. Our friend Wu Yifan has a dog. Its name is…(PPT出示)
Step2 Pre-reading
1. Look and discuss:
How did Wu Yifan meet Max? Look at the pictures and discuss in groups.
( 学生说不出时,给出TipsWhat did Wu Yifan do one day? Then he lost his___. Who helped him find it? And he took it to___.)
2. What will happen next? Guess.
Wu Yifan wrote a diary about their time together. Let’s have a look.
【设计意图:通过观察图片来讨论How did Wu Yifan meet Max?稍微有点难度,所以给出提示让学生来说,这样就降低了难度,并让学生来大胆预测故事的发展,激发学生读的兴趣。】
Step3 While-reading
(1) Enjoy reading 1: Read and answer:
1. When did Wu Yifan write the diary?  Friday April 23rd
2. Where did they go?                  countryside
3. How was Wu Yifan’s day?            bad but also good
TipRead quickly and circle the key words or sentences. 教师板书,学生根据提示去读文章并同学来回答)
(2) Enjoy reading2: Number the pictures.
T: It was a bad day but also a good day. What happened? There are 3 pictures about Wu Yifan’s day. Can you number the pictures?
Tips1.Underline “—” the sentences about the pictures.
  2.Number them according to the sentences.
学生完成排序后引导学生观察三幅图片:How did they feel?
happy—not happy--happy
Why did their feelings change? What happened to Wu Yifan’s family on that day?
(3) Enjoy reading 3: Read and fill in the table.
1. Enclose”()” the words or Sentences.(用()括出词或句)
2. Check with your group members.(和组内成员核对答案)
3. Choose one to tell me your answer.(选一名成员汇报答案)
(细读文章完成表格后汇报,学生汇报时讲解生词句sat in a basket,
dressed up and made a funny play, licked, laughed帮助学生理解。)
T: They did so many things on that day. And Wu Yifan said it was a bad day but also a good day. Can you sort them out? Please write on your book.
(对Wu Yifan’s family所做的事情进行分类:good/bad
TSo it was a bad day but also a good day. Life is full of good news and bad news.
【设计意图:本环节是本节课的主要环节,通过小组合作完成表格,梳理Wu Yifan’s family所做的事情并对其进行归类,让学生能根据小组集体的智慧,自由发表自己的见解,并由此得出结论it was a bad day but also a good day.
Step4 Post-reading
(1) Enjoy reading 4: Let's read.
Listen and repeat.
Choose one way to readRead in groupsread with your
partner, or read by yourself.
(2) Analyze the diary:  If we write a diary, we need to write the date, weather, body and we usually use past tense.
(3) PPT show my diarya bad but also a good day.
(4) Enjoy reading 5: Let's write and share.
Write a diary according to the tips and then share in groups and in class.
(5)Emotion education: Bad luck often brings good luck. Don’t be sad when it is bad. Let it be, please.
Step5 Homework
Share your bad but good day with your friends.