英语    册数
五年级 上册
Unit 10 Is it sunny today?
设计教师    王馨
1、    能听、说、读、写并运用核心词汇sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, cloudyo
2、    能听懂、认读,并能在具体语境中运用核心语言day?及应答Yes, it is. / No. It,s... 来确认天气情况。
3、    能熟练朗读Listen and say板块的对话,并能用其他表示天气的单词进行替换。
1、    能听、说、读、写及运用目标词汇和语言。
2、    熟练朗读Listen and say板块的对话,并能 模仿运用。
1、    掌握 sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, cloudy 和这 些形容词的名词形式。
2、    能区分一般疑问句Is it sunny today?和陈述 句 It's sunny today.的结构。
Step 1: Warm-up and Revision
T: Sing a song.
Rain, Rain, Go Away
T: Ask and answer.
T: Today, lefs continue to learn “weather".
Step2: Presentation
T: Henry is talking with his dad.
Where are they?
T: sitting room = living room 客厅 起居室
T Is it sunny today?
Stepl: Warming-up and Revision
Ss: Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. Rain, rain, go away. Little Henry wants to play. Rain, rain on the green grass. Rain, rain on the tree. Rain, rain on the flowers. Do not rain on me.
Ss: What's the weather like?
Ifs hot/ cold/ cool/ warm.
Ss: They are in the sitting room.

“sunny" Whafs the meaning?
T: Listen and answer.
T: Teach rainy 下雨的
raining 正在下雨
T: Listen and repeat.
T: Answer the questions.
Whafs the weather like outside?
Can Henry play football with his dad?
Henry can't play football. What does Henry say?
Henry can't play football with his friends, but dad gave him a good idea. Whafs the good idea?
T: Read the text together, then judge "T or F".
( )Henry is talking with his teacher at school.
( )Ifs sunny today.
( )That's too good. Henry can play football.
( )Henry can watch football games on TV with his friends.
T: Have a role play in pairs.
Ss: Listen to the text, then answer.
No. It's rainy.
Ss: Read "It's rainy."
Ss: Listen and repeat.
Henry is talking with his dad in the sitting room. Whafs the weather like, Dad? Is it sunny today? No. It's rainy. That's too bad. I can't play football with my friends. It doesn't matter. You can watch football games on TV with your friends. Good idea! Let me call them now.
Ss: It's raining outside.
No, he can't.
Thafs too bad.
It doesn't matter. You can watch football games on TV with your friends.
Ss: Henry is talking with his dad in the sitting room. It's raining outside.
Henry: Whafs the weather like, Dad? Is it sunny today? Dad: No. Ifs rainy.

T: Retell the text.
T: Ask "?" Teach new words "snowy/ windy/ cloudy"
T: Say a chant together.
Step3: Practice
T: Play a guessing game.
Whafs the weather like in Anshan today?
T:(手机截屏)Ifs cloudy to sleet.(多云转雨夹 雪)
T: Billy wants to go to the park.
Whafs the weather like?
Read team by team, then answer:
1. Whafs the weather like?
2. Who wants to go to the park?
3. What can Billy wear?
T: We can do many thins in different weather.
Henry: That's too bad. I can't play football with my friends.
Dad: It doesn't matter. You can watch football games on TV with your friends.
Henry: Good idea! Let me call them now.
Ss: Henry is talking with his dad in the sitting room. Is it sunny today? No. It's rainy. That's too bad. He can't play football with his friends. But it doesn't matter, he can watch football games on TV with his friends.
Ss: sun sunny
rain rainy
snow snowy
wind windy
cloud cloudy
Step3: Practice
Ss: ?
Ss: Answer and fill in the blanks.
It's a sunny day. Billy and his friends want to go to the park. Billy can wear his new T-shirt. Dad wants Billy to take his jacket.
Ss: Fill in the blanks.

Read, write and say.
I wear a raincoat. Ifs a rainy day.
I can fly a kite. It's a windy day.
I wear my sunglasses. It's a sunny day.
I see many clouds. It's a cloudy day.
I can play with the snow. It's a snowy day.