牛津小学英语3A Unit 8 Let’s go to the park 教学设计(通用2篇)
牛津小学英语3A Unit 8 Let’s go to the park 篇1
ⅰ teaching aims :
1.can read and listen three words about place, including: park, zoo, cinema;
can read and listen three words about traffic tools, including: car, bike, bus.
2.can use “let’s go to the ……” and “ok./good./all right. let’s go. but how ?” to talk with others.
3.to develop ss’ interests of learning english. and develop ss’ speaking abilities.
ⅱ teaching points & teaching difficult
1. teaching points :
(1)  can read 、listen and say six words :
park, zoo, cinema, car, bike, bus.
(2)  can read 、listen and say these sentences:
let’s go to the……
ok./ good./ all right. let’s go.
but how ?
by ……
2. teaching difficult:
(1)  to use “let’s go to the…… but how?” to make a dialogue and talk with others fluently .
(2)  pay attention to the pronunciation of “but﹑bus; zoo﹑too; park﹑car ”, and read the words “cinema﹑but” correctly.
ⅲ  teaching aids
ppt, pictures, tape recording
ⅳ  teaching process
step1.  warming—up
设计理念:在开始上课之前给出一手歌曲《hello. how are you?》,给学生营造一个学习英语的氛围.同时复习了这个句型.为下面的free talk
1.free talk
hello. / good morning.
what’s your name?
how are you?
2.i say and you say
i say: “this is ……”
i say: “i can see……”
i say: “go to ……”
ss say: “go to school.”
“go to bed.” (review “all right. /ok.”)
step2.  presentation
1.t:  boys and girls, today is very sunny. let’s go to the park.
t: now listen carefully. park, park, park. (listen to the teacher to read three times,and at the same time show the ppt /picture)
pay attention to “ar” pronounce / a: / .
teach “a park ,the park”, pay attention to the pronunciation of “the”.
t: do you like the park?
ss: yes.
t: let’s go to the park, ok?
ss: ok.
teach “let’s ”,and tell them it’s chinese meaning.
t: who can read it? (let’s go to the park.)
ss: let’s go to the park.
teach the topic of unit 8 “unit 8 let’s go to the park”
chant:  park↗, park↘, go to the park.
let’s go to the park.
ok, ok. let’s go!( ok/ let’s go加上动作)
teach “let’s go.”
t: hello, boys and girls. let’s go to the park. (give ss a sign of “ok” “all right”)
ss: ok. / all right. let’s go.
2.t: the park is very beautiful , yes? but the zoo is very interesting .
t: look! what’s this? this is a …… (show the ppt, there’re a dog, a monkey, and an elephant.)
s1: this is a dog.
s2: this is a monkey.
t: yes! very good. guess, where are they?
t:yes. they’re in the zoo.
teach “zoo, the zoo”( here we can compare “zoo” to “too”.)
设计理念:虽然三年级的学生对音标没有过接触和认识,但是某些已学习过的字母组合发音是相同的,例如这里的zoo和too, 字母组合oo发音是/u:/,在学习的时候,结合已学过的too,融会贯通的学习,学生记忆起来就非常容易了.
t:(show the sentence “let’s go to the zoo.”) now who can read the sentence.
s1: let’s go to the zoo.
s2: let’s go to the zoo.
chant:  zoo↗, zoo↘, go to the zoo.
let’s go to the zoo.
good, good. let’s go!(good/ let’s go加上动作)
t: good morning, boys and girls. let’s go to the zoo.(show them the sign of “good. let’s go.”)
ss: good. let’s go.
t: now can you invite me?
ss: good morning, miss xu. let’s go to the zoo.
ss: all right. let’s go.(all right加上动作)
3.t: the zoo is very interesting. yes? and the cinema is very interesting, too. now, look! this is a cinema? can you guess what is it?
ss: 电影院。
t:good. this is a cinema.
teach “cinema”(listen to the teacher to read three times. then teach this word. )
chant:  cinema↗ , cinema↘.
let’s go to the cinema.
all right, all right. let’s go!( all right./ let’s go.加上动作)
t:hi, ⅹⅹⅹ. let’s go to the cinema. (show them the sign of “all right. let’s go.”)
s1:all right . let’s go.
t:  good morning, ⅹⅹ. let’s go to the cinema. (show them the sign of “good. let’s go.”)
s2:good. let’s go.
4.practice in pairs
a: hi/hello,ⅹⅹⅹ.
b: hi/hello,ⅹⅹⅹ.
a: let’s go to the ……
b: ok./good./all right. let’s go.
practice & check
t: now. can you invite me?
ss: yes!
ss: hi, miss xu.
t: hi, boys and girls.
ss: let’s go to the ……
5.  t: good .let’s go. but how?( “but how?” read three times. give them a gesture of “but how?”)
teach “but/but how?”
t: let’s go to the cinema. but how? listen ! (show the sound of car) what’s this ?
ss: 小汽车。
t: yes. a car. (with gesture )
(here we can compare “car” to “park”.)
t: let’s go to the zoo. but how? (give them a gesture of “by car”.)