教案精选:小学英语《At school》教学设计
    教案精选:小学英语《At school》教学设计
  教学目标 1. 帮助学生学习表示学校和学校设施的单词school,classroom,library,office,playground, toilet.
  2. 学生用已学句型描述学校和学校主要设施,通过设计学校平面图等活动在特定情境下综合运用所学单词。
  教学重点 词汇:school, classroom, library,office, playground, toilet
  教学难点 there be 句型中冠词a/anthe的用法。
  教具、课件 电子白板、自制课件、学校平面图
  教学方法 讲授法 讨论法 演示法
  A. While-task preparations
  a. 展示学校图片,显示正门及学校名称,通过问答引出本单元的话题。
  T: Do you know this place?
  Ss: This is our school,…Primary School.
  b. 出示学校设施的图片,向学生介绍这些设施并让学生说一说他们在里面能做什么。
  T: (point to the playground in the picture)Look! This is our playground. Do you like this place? What can you do there?
  S1: We can play basketball.
  S2: We can run and play there.
  B. While-task procedures
  a. 出示学校的平面图,介绍学校的主要设施,如图书馆、教室等,引出生词library,classr
oom等。然后出示Look and learn的单词卡片,示范朗读,让学生跟读并拼读单词。
  T: Look! This is a library. Library. L-I-B-R-A-R-Y,library.
  Ss: Library. L-I-B-R-A-R-Y,library.
  b. 将单词图片放在学校平面图的相应位置,并给图片编号。用英语描述学校的某一场所,让学生根据教师的描述出相对应的图片,说出图片编号,随后教师让学生拼读单词。
  T: Its a room for the teachers.The teachers can work in it.What is it?
  S1: Its No.1.
  T: Yes, its the teachersoffice. Office. O-F-F-I-C-E,office.
  Ss: Office. O-F-F-I-C-E,office.
  c. 快速反应。将单词卡片贴在学校平面图的相应位置,随后让学生闭上眼睛,教师抽调部分卡片,让学生快速说出平面图上缺了哪些卡片。
  d. 出示一张学校的平面图,提供文字范例并示范描述学校的某个设施,让学生仿照范例描述其他设施。
  T: This is our school. Its very big. It has a playground. We can play football in it.
  S1: This is our school. Its very big. It has a library. We can read in it.
  C. Post-task activities
  a. 学生结对进行听并改错活动。教师分发给每组学生AB两张纸,一个学生朗读自己纸上的内容,另一个学生根据同伴所读,并将自己改正后的内容读给同伴、校对答案。
  b. 将学生分为四人一组,发给每个小组一张学校平面图。要求各组成员发挥想象力,设计学校平面图,将图片上不同的设施,如教室、图书馆、操场等重新组合,设计一张新的平面图。最后,请个别小组展示新的学校平面图并向全班介绍。
    (总第 18学时)
  授 Unit7 At school
  授 9-2 讲授□√ 讨论习题复习其它:
  教学目标 1. 学生在正确认读单词的基础上,通过阅读Listen and say的语段,了解如何用核心句型There is/are … 介绍学校不同的设施。
  2. 通过Ask and answer问答练习,帮助学生操练There are … 句型。
  教学重点 词汇:busy, many
  句型:Theres a computer room. Therere many computers.
  教学难点 there be 句型中冠词a/anthe的用法。
  教具、课件 电子白板、自制课件
  教学方法 讲授法 讨论法 演示法
  A. Pre-task preparations
  a. 播放一首有关学校的儿歌或歌曲,如Our school will shine today,让学生跟着录音学唱。
  b. 出示六张学校设施的图片,并给图片编号,要求学生两人一组,进行快速问答活动。
  S1: What is No.3?
  S2: Its a library.
  S1: What can you do in the library?
  S2: I can read books in the library.
  B. While-task procedures
  a. 出示学校的图片,用新句型There is/are…介绍学校的设施,并板书新句型,让学生跟读。
  T: Look, children. This is our school. It is very nice. Theres a library in our school. We ca
n read books in the library. There are many classrooms in our school too. We have lessons here…
  (Write the example sentences on the blackboard)
  There is a library in our schol. There are many classrooms on our school.
  b. 播放Listen and say的录音,让学生跟着录音朗读,然后根据图片和录音提问,学生回答。
  1What place is this? (Its Alices school.)
  2) Whats in her school?
  (Theres a playground, a computer room, many classrooms and a library in it.)
  3) What can the students do in the library?
  (They can read books in the library.)
  c. 将学生分成四人一组,教师在黑板上出示学校各种设施的图片,要求学生先在小组内用There is/are…等句型介绍,随后邀请部分小组成员上来与全班交流。
  d. 出示Look and learn的图片,用本单元所学There is/are…等句型进行介绍,并顺势提问:Whats in our school?让学生试着回答。然后要求学生两人一组结对,根据Ask and answer的范例进行问答练习。
  小学英语教学设计S1: Whats in our school?
  S2: There is a library in our school. There are … classrooms.
  S1: Whats in our classroom?
  S2: There are many desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a blackboard.