Book 6 Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going教学设计
一、Teaching Material(教材分析)
本节课是外语教学与研究出版社出版的《新标准英语》三年级起点第六册 Module10 Unit1 的课文教学,课文以 Daming 和奶奶的电话谈话形式,呈现教学的主要内容,即 Daming 旅行前的准备。课型为新授课。
what,where,when,who,how 等特殊疑问词来谈论旅行准备;使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。同时让学生学会一种正确对待生活的方式,明白做任何事都要有计划,避免盲目性,体现了英语学科与生活实际的紧密结合。
二、Students’ Analysis(学情分析)
五年级学生在四年级上册的学习中已经学过 I’m going to...表示一般将来时的句子,对本课的知识已经有过接触,教师要充分利用学生已有的知识,积极调动学生参与的积极性,从学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,使学生“学以致用”。
三、Teaching Aims(教学目标)
本节课是一节高年级的阅读课,Daming’s trip 为主线,通过阅读激发学生的学习兴趣, 以四个问题驱动,整篇脉络清晰,为旅途做准备,实践性强,培养学生的发散性思维能力,同时能学以致用,实现了语言的交流技能。
1.学生能听说、认读和理解单词 nervous,ticket,passport, airport,safe.
2.能在恰当的语境中听说、认读和运用 what,where,when,who,how 等特殊疑问词,并做出相应的回答。
Sentences structure:
Where are you going ?
What are you going to do there? When are you going to go ?
Who is going to go with you?

Talk about preparing for a trip.
Key points and difficult points:
Students can use sentences make a preparation for trips.
四、Moral Aims(情感目标)
五、Teaching Methods(教学方法)
1、高年级的阅读课,通过引导学生阅读,通过阅读、圈画重点,使学生有兴趣听、说英语, 培养学生注意观察、乐于模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争的意识。
六、Teaching Aids(教具)
CDROM PPTword cards、 思维导图 、微视频、点读笔七、Teaching Procedure(教学过程)
Step 1: Warming up
1Greetings and free talk: THello,everyone!
T: How are you?
SsI am fine, thank you . T:What’s the weather like today?
SsIt’s cloudy.
T: What day is it today? Ss:It’s Friday.
T: And what day is it tomorrow
SsIt is Saturday .
T: Yes, tomorrow is Saturday, and it’s the weekend! Do you like weekend?

why ?
I also like weekend,I am going to the park this weeekend,and I am going to ride my bike in the park.
Boys and girls ,where are you going this weekend?
Talk about it in rour groups.
Ss tells their plan of weekend.I am going to …….
【设计意图】通过 free talk 迅速拉近学生距离,让学生进入英语语言环境,通过谈论自己
2Sing a song where are you going
T:You are going to many places,now let’s listen to a song where are you going小学英语教学设计, let’s see where they are going .This song is very exciting!
You can sing along with it.
Listen to the song ,Ss sing along with it.
T:Wow! The song is very exciting.Are you excited?
T:Boys and girlsWho can tell me what’s the name of the song? SsWhere are you going?
T:Yes, you are right!
You read it and I write it on the blackboard.
板书 Where are you going?