Title: Snow White - English Play Script
[Scene 1: The Palace]
- Queen
- Mirror
[The Queen stands in front of the Mirror, looking at her reflection]
Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
Mirror: (Speaking in a deep voice) You, my Queen, are fair, it is true. But Snow White is fairer than you.
[The Queen becomes enraged and storms off]
[Scene 2: The Woods]
- Snow White
- Huntsman
[Snow White is seen walking in the woods]
Snow White: Oh, how beautiful these woods are! (Sings) I'm wishing for the one I love, to find me today.
[Huntsman enters the scene]
Huntsman: Snow White! The Queen wants you gone. I cannot harm you, so run and hide, my dear.
Snow White: (Startled) Why does she want to harm me?
Huntsman: You possess a beauty she envies. Now go, before she finds you here.
[Snow White thanks the Huntsman and runs off]
[Scene 3: The Dwarfs' Cottage]
- Snow White
- Seven Dwarfs (Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey, Doc)
[Snow White finds the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs]
Snow White: (Knocking at the door) Is anyone home?
[Dwarfs open the door and look at Snow White in surprise]
Dopey: Hello, who are you?
Snow White: My name is Snow White, and I need a place to hide from the evil Queen.
Doc: You are welcome to stay with us, Snow White. But be careful not to let the Queen find you.
[Scene 4: The Queen's Plot]
- Queen
- Disguised Old Hag
[The Queen transforms into a disguised old hag and carries a poisoned apple]
Queen: This apple will put an end to Snow White. She will never be the fairest again.童话剧剧本
[Scene 5: The Dwarfs' Cottage]
- Snow White
- Dwarfs
- Disguised Old Hag
[Snow White is seen interacting with the Dwarfs]
[Snow White encounters the Disguised Old Hag]
Old Hag: (Offering the apple) Dearie, would you like this delicious apple?
Snow White: (Excited) Oh, thank you! It looks wonderful.
[Snow White takes a bite and falls into a deep sleep]
[Scene 6: The Prince's Arrival]
- Prince
- Dwarfs
[Prince enters the scene]
Prince: (Observing Snow White) What a beautiful maiden! I must wake her and make her mine.
[Dwarfs inform the Prince about the poisoned apple and its effects]
Prince: True love's kiss shall break this curse. (Kisses Snow White)
[Snow White awakens]
Snow White: (Smiling) My Prince, you have saved me!
[Scene 7: Happy Ending]
- Snow White
- Prince
- Dwarfs
[Snow White and Prince dance, while the Dwarfs celebrate]
[Everyone lives happily ever after]
End of the Play
Note: This play script adheres to the format commonly used for English plays. The scenes and characters are outlined as per the story of Snow White. The script focuses on the essential dialogues and actions, providing a detailed framework for staging the play.