1. that:用来连接前后两个句子,后面的句子作为前面名词或代词的表语。例如
- My belief is that we should always be kind to others.
2. whether:用于引导一个表示选择或是对其中一种情况进行提问的表语从句,常用于介词后或动词后。例如:
- He is considering whether to accept the job offer.
3. if:可以替代 whether 引导表语从句,表达相同的意思。例如:
- He is considering if he should accept the job offer.
4. what:在句中作表语从句的连接词,常用于 what + be/is/was/were + 名词。例如:
- His dream is what his parents have always wanted him to be.
whether是什么意思5. who/whom:常用于代替人的名词或代词,在句中作表语从句的连接词。例如:
- The winner will be who/whom the judges think is the most talented.
6. whose:用于修饰名词,表达所属关系。例如:
- The book on the table is mine whose cover is torn.
7. which:常用于修饰事物的名词,在句中作表语从句的连接词。例如:
- The decision is which university to attend.
8. as if/as though:用于描述假设或者与事实相反的情况。例如:
- She acted as if she didn't know me.