一、if或whether引导宾语从句时,作“是否”讲,常放在ask,see,say,know和find out等动词(组)后面。一样情形下,两者常可换用,在口语中多用if。例如
Nobody knows whether (if) it will rain tomorrow. 没有人明白改日是否下雨。
Lucy asked whether (if) they had a cotton sweater. 露西问他们是否有棉制的运动衫
(1) if或whether不能和that 或其他连词(副词)同时使用,也不能省略。例如:
【译】 我不明白他今天是否会来。
【误】 I don't know that if (whether) he will come here today.
【正】 I don't know if (whether) he will come here today.
(2) if或whether引导宾语从句时,但从句应用陈述句语序。例如:
“Do you know the way to the hospital?” the old woman asked me. (合并为宾语从句)
The old woman asked me if (whether) I knew the way to the hospital. 老妇人问我是否明白去医院的路。
(3) if或whether引导的宾语从句的时态应和主句保持一致。即主句为一样现在时或一样今后时,从句可依照需要选用任一种时态;主句为一样过去时,从句则用过去时中的任一种时态。例如:
I don't know if (whether) he has come here. 我不明白他是否来过这儿。
(1) 在动词不定式之前只能用whether 。例如:
I can't decide whether to stay.我不能决定是否留下。
whether是什么意思(2) whether后可直截了当接or not,而if不能够。例如:
I want to know whether or not it's good news. 我想明白是否是好消息。
(3) 在介词后,只能用whether。例如:
His father is worried about whether he will lose his work. 他的父亲担忧是否会失去工作。
(4) 宾语从句放在句首表示强调时,只能用whether。例如:
Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem. 他们是否能准时完成这项工作依旧个问题。
(5) 用if会引起歧义时,只用whether。例如:
Could you tell me if you know the answer?
(6) 假如主句已有一个if引导的条件句,为了幸免产生混淆,应使用whether。例如:
He asked me whether, if there was enough time, I wanted to go to his office. 他问我如有足够的时刻是否想去他的办公室。
(7) whether可引导主语从句,if则不能。例如:
Whether you can stay with my mother is another matter. 你是否能与我母亲呆在一起是另一回事。
(8) whether可引导表语从句,if则不能。例如:
The question is whether this material can be used in our factory. 问题是我们工厂能否使用这种材料。
1. 他走过来看他的猫是否出了问题。
2. 汤姆问我是否看过这本书。
3. 妈妈问爸爸假如来了许多客人,我们是否去饭店吃晚饭。
4. 她妹妹是否能参加聚会依旧个隐秘。
1. He came to see if (whether) there was something wrong with his cat.
2. Tom asked me if (whether) I had read the book.
3. Mom asked Dad whether we would have dinner in a restaurant if there were too many guests.
4. Whether her sister will come to the party is still a secret.